In a August 16th news posting, the Atlanta KISS Expo had announced that former KISS guitarist, Vinnie Vincent, will be appearing at their event, in 2018.

The L.A. KISS expo Facebook page has posted a handwritten note from Vincent, in which he states, he is “happy and excited to be seeing all of you at the Atlanta KISS Expo on January 20th, 2018.” See Vincent’s entire note below.

To read more about this event, please click here. Additionally, the Atlanta KISS Expo has an FAQ section, which addresses Vincent’s appearance.

Vincent replaced lead guitarist Ace Frehley in 1982 and played with KISS for two years.

11 Responses

  1. I hope Vinnie talks about why he was so reclusive for all these years , why he didn’t go to the hall of fame ceremony , putting an end to the bad blood between paul ,gene and himself, possible new music or live dates – all the topics fans want to hear about , I don’t want to sound to cynical but this is obviously about some agenda/ project he has going on, reintroducing himself
    and making some {probably } much needed money…. not sure what an autographed Vinnie picture goes for these days?? a hundred bucks sounds fair I guess , not sure really , cant wait to hear what Vinnie Vincent is going to be doing – hopefully Eddie is able to interview him there !

    1. I hope I get the interview as well, but why would he go to the HOF ceremony when he wasn’t invited and included? Did you hear Jericho’s recent podcast with Paul? Paul wouldn’t even let Chris bring him up! So no way he was going to be welcome there, still much bad blood.

  2. I did not know he was not invited to the HOF , thanks Eddie for letting me know – you know I still am amazed that men into their 60’s cant put things behind them and just shake hands and be done with all the nonsense …..Eddie I really hope you get the interview-

  3. Glad to hear that Vinnie is going to be at the expo in Atlanta! And it would be great if he were to announce a new project, as he is a very talented guitarist and songwriter. His contributions to KISS really brought them back from the brink of disaster, after the whole “The Elder” debacle! I’m really not interested in hearing about all of the fighting he did with Gene and Paul, as both sides I’m sure have their points of view on the whole thing. If Vinnie ever thought he was going to be more than a “hired gun” in the band, he was sadly mistaken! None of the guys KISS has worked with since Ace and Peter left were ever proper band members, so I have to believe Vinnie was told the same thing when he was brought in.

  4. I agree, Keith. And long term, I don’t think Vinnie was the right member for KI$$. I think he’s too much of a guitar virtuoso that it never would have worked out in in the long run. I just wish Vinnie would have released more VV Invasion material before he disappeared.

  5. First, thanks to Dana and Eddie for posting all these messages about Vincent’s appearance – you’re my first source for rock news.

    Second, I’m a big fan of Vincent’s playing, and have periodically googled him over the years; obviously, everything I found chronicled the sad decline of a highly talented but troubled person.

    What I think is missing from a lot of the current discussion and excitement about the guy is that he appears to have stiffed a lot of people financially. He was soliciting donations online from fans long before it became common, with nothing to show for. That, I’ve been convinced, is the reason he has been out of the public eye for so long – it takes only one confrontation from an angry donor to go viral, and a rattling experience of this kind might make it tough for him to rebuild whatever performing career is possible for him.

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