Acefrehley400 Ace Frehley believes Kiss bassist Gene Simmons has “alienated just about everybody on the planet” with his recent comments on depression, addiction and poverty. And the guitarist has predicted his former colleague could next turn on gay people – all because he doesn’t understand the human condition.

His comments stem from Simmons’ incendiary comments about depression, when he claimed his message to anyone preparing to take their own lives was, “Fuck you, then kill yourself.” He later apologized for his statements.

Now Frehley tells Artisan News Service, “First he attacks immigrants, then he belittles poor people by saying, ‘Be nice to the rich people because we’re the ones that give you jobs.’ Then he attacks people with depression, alcoholics, drug addicts. The only thing left for him to do is to attack the whole gay movement. I’ve heard him do that in private, so that’s probably still yet to come.”

The guitarist argues Simmons isn’t as clever as he likes to think. “I don’t think he makes any sense,” he reflects. “He prides himself on being such an intellectual, he brags about being able to speak seven languages, but when it comes to being knowledgeable about the human condition – depression is a very serious disease.

I’ve suffered from it, I know my daughter suffers from it. Alcoholism is a disease, so is drug addiction; it’s the disease of addiction. Many people are born that way – and Gene just seems ignorant of that whole fact. I think it’s time for Gene to go back to school and get educated in the health field.”

source: classicrockmagazine.com

141 Responses

  1. It`s getting old the trash slinging going back and forth with Ace and Gene and Paul. The only one that seems to be the adult is Peter these days.

    1. There’s nothing to rip except for the joker! Other than that it’s a great listen so gene can’t say anything

  2. Ace is not taking the high road here…the high road is saying, ” I dont care about F’in Gene Simmons, I’m here to talk about my album and me…” BUT to be fair, Ace usually does take the high road in how he addresses issues with Gene and Paul just not this time or recently. I think it’s different for Ace this time, as Gene and Paul pulled the plug on Ace getting on stage for the RRHOF so now the gloves are off and any and every chance Ace gets, he is taking shots at current Kiss, or Gene and Paul. It’s ironic that this behavior is EXACTLY what people rip Paul and Gene for…

  3. Most drug counselors have no credentials, their only credential is supposedly being an addict themselves (again, I am dubious of putting every person who has abused drugs under the ‘addict’ umbrella). They have no health education, they take one six week class whose primary purpose is getting them certified, and in ‘human management,’ i.e. psychological techniques in mind control, this nonsense of breaking down all of your defenses, so they can ‘build you back up,’ all the while insisting they are helping you, so when you spill your guts, they can threaten to disclose all of your personal information to your future employer, unless you stay for more treatment, and pay more $$… there is a loophole they can use for just this purpose (they can deem you are unstable, a threat). They are the least qualified people to tell you what to do with your life and they get away with it because the person experiencing this dys ease, is very vulnerable, and impressionable.

    1. Get help, clown, seriously!
      I really shouldn’t be rewarding your deranged ramblings with any sort of attention, but you obviously need some sort of intervention or help. You are awfully paranoid/ delusional.

    2. Patrick, I wish I could say that my assessment of the drug rehab industry was mere hyperbole, but what I testified to does indeed happen, too often. Another thing I learned in Health 111 is that people can disaffect someone much like a drug can, i.e. you can have a bad chemical interaction from another person, this gets confused with internal causal factors.
      Heredity and drug abuse are co-related, but not cause and effect, there is a huge difference. Finally, it is very important to know fully what positive and negative enablers are, there definitions, and how they can be causal or co-relative factors. Patrick, believe it or not, I wish good fortune to you.

    3. Patrick, my latest post, you can dismiss as gibberish, or deranged or whatever, but I only used formal sources. What I’m saying is, I am just encouraging you to look into it further, this could be a good source for you, or you can just say I”m full of crap, no hard feelings.

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