wallstreetrocks Mark McGrath of Sugar Ray will headline Wall Street Rocks’ 2013 Battle of the Bands Finale benefit concert, emceed by radio & VH1 Classic TV host Eddie Trunk on Monday, December 2nd at Irving Plaza in NYC.

Competing Wall Street bands include Riffhanger and Big Dog Party, which won previous rounds of competition. Tickets can be purchased by visiting www.wallstreetrocks.org/a>. This year’s end of year show will benefit Wounded Warrior Project, ReserveAid and Operation Finally Home, which provides wounded and disabled veterans and the widows of the fallen with mortgage-free housing across the country.

Wall Street Rocks co-founders Leslie Kirby, James Macedonio, Peter Carrara and George Chrisafis bega their third year of fundraising efforts for veterans’ charities with two sold out Battle of the Band shows at NYC’s famed Cutting Room in July and September. Riffhanger, featuring lead singer Tony Conklin from Deutsche Bank took home the top prize in July and Big Dog Party, which features musicians from JPMorgan Chase and Chase Bank, won in September to advance to the finale in December.

Wall Street Rocks is a collaboration of employees in the financial, technology and entertainment industries, who are passionate about giving support to heroic Americans who serve our nation, including military veterans and first responders. Over the last two years, Wall Street Rocks has raised over $350,000 for our nation’s heroes.

For more information about Wall Street Rocks, please visit www.wallstreetrocks.org/a>.

28 Responses

  1. Wall Street rocks? Are you serious? Nothing about Wall Street Rocks. We all get to thank the greedy on Wall Street for destroying this country one company at a time. Keep making those millions and billions with insider trading and laws that benefit bankers; watch as the rest of the country is sucked dry. I’m not interested in making anything about this site political and I don’t care about politics, but it seems that every week some firm is paying massive penalties for financial improprieties on Wall Street. Sorry but I have to call it as I see it.

    1. Regardless of the name, bands, etc, this is a benefit for Wounded Warriors. A tremendous charity that helps wounded veterans. So all good by me! Honored to help.

  2. So in two years these high-profile folks and all their “passion” only managed to scrounge up a measly $350,000? Now they’re here once again hawking tickets to a concert featuring their sh*t bands at $75 and $150 bucks a pop? Fees not included. Given venue capacity, it’s entirely possible that these funds are raised exclusively through ticket and merchandise sales. So what exactly are these folks contributing…their musical talents? This is a vanity project, pure and simple, while also giving (much-needed) positive visibility to the good name of JPMorgan Chase. Btw, a bailed-out Wall Street bank selling a mortgage-free charity concert? That’s rich. Would love to see the books on this dog and pony show…

    A couple things: It’s easy to be charitable when you’ve already taken so much. And if one really wishes to serve our “heroes”, then stop allowing our government to send them to fight unwinnable, criminal wars in mesopotamia…and every other dark corner of the world. It’s a start.

    Lastly, time to lose the “hero” business. It’s patronizing. And no Wall Street tycoon would ever wish his precious child to be a…”hero”.

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