eddie400 Adrian Peel of Digital Journal spoke with our namesake Mr. Trunk. Select quotes from the feature appear below.

Who would Eddie like to have on That Metal Show who’s not been on before?

“Artists I want and what the audience wants might not always be the same thing. I like to give the lesser known guys a shot, but the network always wants the main stars of major bands. We have a good balance. Guys we’ve never had on that are often requested are Eddie Van Halen, Jimmy Page, James Hetfield, Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, Ozzy… Our door is wide open. For many it’s just a matter of schedule or they aren’t comfortable doing TV but love the show. For a few, they just have issues.”

People often say that they don’t want to meet their heroes as they believe they’ll be disappointed (especially if said hero has “issues”), yet Eddie Trunk has met a number of his. What’s his view on this idea of maintaining a certain “mystique” between artist and fan?

“I understand it and it’s not a bad idea… There are some people I have met over the decades that have had me sour on them because of their behavior. But anyone can have a bad day and fans have to remember that. You also have to remember these guys are constantly getting hammered by fans for stuff and sometimes it becomes over the top, especially if out eating or with family. I’ve seen many fans behave great when they approach celebs and others act way out of line and deserve to be blown off, so it does work both ways.”

Read the entire piece at Digital Journal.

source: digitaljournal.com

95 Responses

  1. Re: meeting your idols: In the early sixties I learned that my idols, the Three Stooges were coming to a shopping center near me to promo their new movie “The Three Stooges in Outer Space.” I rode my bike down, and they were up on stage, releasing doves from Larry Fine’s hat. It was all well and good until after the show, when I biked around behind the stage in an attempt to meet the boys up close. Moe Howard was walking out to a waiting Plymouth, and as I rode up all ga ga, he looked at me rather meanly and said, “The show’s over, kid.”

    I remember feeling a little hurt,and thinking that he seemed like kind of an a*&hole, but then again, as I looked back on the episode, he was old by then, probably exhausted, and just acting like Moe.

    1. Izzy is a very very interesting person. I know he isn’t Metal…but have you ever considered trying to get Dennis DeYoung on the show? I saw Tommy and JY on the show b4….that would be a very interesting interview Eddie

  2. While not full-time head bangers,, these folks have played on some awesome hard rocking tunes and would be within reach, would not be divas, and would have interesting stories to tell: Bruce Kulick, Bun E. Carlos, Rick Emmit, Carlos Cavazo, Jimmy Lyons, Skunk Baxter, and Mark Farner.

  3. I saw Mark Farner at a sold out Shea Stadium around ’72….he’d be good. Cavazo if he opened up about Quiet Riot & Ratt insider stuff. Right about Izzy, ran into a pal of his….he’s banked and not into Axl and his 11 cooks and waiters for one hamburger in the studio and onstage.

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