Our very own Eddie Trunk recently spoke with Don Dokken on Sirius/XM radio.

Eddie asked Dokken about [former guitarist] George [Lynch’s] recent claim that there was “talk” about the classic lineup of the band playing “at least one big show” next year.

Don replied (as per, “We have an offer on the table coming up in September. Mick and I talked about it yesterday; we haven’t made up our mind yet, ’cause we have to think about it…

“…I have to protect the franchise — of the [current band, featuring] Mick Brown, Don Dokken, Jon Levin, [our guitarist of] over 20 years, [and] Chris McCarvill [who has] been in the band a long time. I have to protect the franchise, and [George’s] got Lynch Mob. But, you know when these, we call ’em, ‘honeypot’ shows come up, and they say, ‘Would you mind if George played, and we’ll give you a crazy amount of money?’…

…We did the Japanese tour, but we now have maybe a gig coming up on September 7th in Minneapolis at a big casino festival — a huge festival — and I haven’t talked to Jon about it yet…But I have to keep my respect for Jon Levin; I don’t wanna step on Jon Levin’s toes, ’cause he’s my brother, and he’s one of my best friends…

…So they made an offer, And I said, ‘I’ll play with George. We don’t mind playing with George. But it’s gonna have to be George and Jon [playing together at the same time].’ … We’re Dokken…He can come on our stage. It’ll be an Internet, Facebook, YouTube sensation, video-wise, ’cause he’s gonna do six to eight songs. And if you’re listening, George, I’m not bagging on you, but he’d have to remember them.”

The reunited classic line-up of Dokken released Return To The East Live 2016 on April 20th. In addition to their band’s Japanese shows, this set also features footage from the band’s only U.S. show in September 2016 at Badlands in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Also, on this special release, Dokken recorded a a new song written specifically for this tour/release, entitled It’s Just Another Day, watch the video here.

12 Responses

    1. If they appeared on stage as Siamese twins, I would definitely go and see them. Regardless of venue. If George and Don played any type of music so long as they were physically attached to one another I would go. They could challenge Mick and Jeff as well as Eric and Tommy to a 3 legged race and win every time. Just picture it……….

  1. Dear Don,
    Thanks for reminding me that smoking is cool. Quit! It’s disgusting.

    BACK FOR THE ATTACK is one of the best albums of the 1980s. An absolute masterpiece with an awesome cover. It’s great that he’s loyal to his current lineup just like KISS, but DOKKEN is most relevant with Lynch playing guitar. I just saw POISON recently and I couldn’t recognize CC and Bobby and I actually thought there were other musicians acting as them but it turned our CC may have had botox and Bobby is a not so secret Seattle grunge wannabe. Anyway, the atmosphere was terrific and the show was a hell of a lot of fun. Having the original lineup in tact is rare but really makes the nostalgia of the given evening more real. Rock music is dying a slow death. I wouldn’t be surprised if Eddie Trunk already purchased his cowboy hat for for when he has to present country concerts. Zakk did a really good southern rock album a couple of years ago. Anyway, put the original lineup back out there. What I would give to see Peter Steele again? A genius and an undeniable stage presence.

    1. It’s funny you mentioned the smoking. I had a similar reaction. I mean, people are entitled to their vices. But the picture is ridiculous.

  2. That might sound pretty cool with George and Jon on stage together. You gotta get Jeff in there though for those awesome background vocals, he`s the michael anthony of dokken.

  3. I wasn’t a huge Dokken fan back in the day. I liked their debut album and TOOTH AND NAIL, but after that they started to go full-on glam, so I wasn’t as interested. It’s obvious that Don and George just don’t get along, so I’m fine with them not playing together. Don is happy with the current incarnation of Dokken, so more power him. If he can make a living with this version of the band, great! George is probably the busiest guitarist in the business, with all of his projects. Both guys are at the age where they don’t need the hassle of getting together with folks they don’t like to work with. And if they did, it would just be for a paycheck. It wouldn’t be to create new music, so what’s the point?

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