jonbonjoviprofile400 Bon Jovi have once again topped Billboard’s rock rich list of annual earnings, raking in an estimated total of $29,436,801 in 2013.

The band have topped the cash chart for three of the previous six years, and have never been far from the top. Their return to the head of the list comes despite the absence of guitarist Richie Sambora following a dispute with frontman Jon Bon Jovi.

Billboard, who compile their chart based on available figures from US music and ticket sales, say: “It’s no surprise Bon Jovi’s immensely popular stable of songs continues to drive strong digital track sales, with more than 1.5m downloads producing nearly $300,000 in royalties. Streaming royalties are also catching up, approaching $150,000. But this is a touring band – road-warrior revenue streams include robust merch sales, likely in the eight-figure range. Fans have spent an estimated $2m per year in online merch purchases.”

Billboard’s rock rich list 2013

1 (4). Bon Jovi: $29.4m
2 (5). Rolling Stones: $26.2m
3 (10). Fleetwood Mac: $19.1m
4 (19). Dave Matthews Band: $13.9m
5 (21). Paul McCartney: $13.8m
6 (22). Eagles: $13m
7 (24). Trans-Siberian Orchestra: $12.5m
8 (31). Imagine Dragons: $9.4m
9 (35). Rush: $9.1m

additional source:

18 Responses

  1. You gotta remember most of Bon Jovis tickets were sold before anyone knew Sambora would not be there! Next time around if he is still not there i am sure will be a very different ranking!

  2. say what you want but bonjovi does put on a great show, and everone I have been to, they have played well over 2 hours and closer to 3. I hate that Richie is not touring with them right now, BUT, Jon has never said a bad thing about Richie and has said many times that the band isn’t the same with him gone and the door was open when he was ready to come back. Richie said that he took the time to be with his daughter and it was a hard choice but family comes first. You can not expect the band to sit still while Richie does what ever he is wanting to do right now. In truth, only Jon and Richie know what is going on with them and I do hope they fix it soon because the show is not the same without Richie there. dead or alive is not the same song without Richie playing it

  3. He won’t be back…..2013 was a shit load of shows and he never came back for even an encore after he left. The 101 north to the Canyon….Kiefer plays it, Benatar too.

    1. Hey Lee, youre right. Btw, thats not an insult towards that club…right? They book some legends. Really nice place. Actually Richie would be lucky to get that gig. His issue is that he wasnt the singer in Bon Jovi, to me I’d be potentially bored to death at one of his shows.

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