blackielawless400 Almost six years have passed since the world saw a new studio album from metal icons W.A.S.P. This October 2nd, the wait ends, as Blackie Lawless and the legendary rockers W.A.S.P. will release their long awaited new album and Napalm Records debut Golgotha.

Frontman Blackie Lawless on the new album Golgotha:

“There are times in any band’s career that somehow all things mesh together. Their experiences, influences, and personal timing bring them into a common space. This has happened with this record. Four years in the making has provided direction, but even greater reflection. Golgotha, where Christ was crucified – Hebrew for “the place of the skull”.”

Over the next six months, W.A.S.P frontman Blackie Lawless be writing a monthly installment that chronicles the making of Golgotha. They will all be posted at the band’s official website. Read the first entry, here.

Golgotha is available for pre-order from the Napalm Records Webstore in North America and Europe.

Golgotha Track Listing:

1. Scream
2. Last Runaway
3. Shotgun
4. Miss You
5. Fallen Under
6. Slaves of the New World Order
7. Eyes of My Maker
8. Hero of the World
9. Golgotha

W.A.S.P. on the web:

Official website


8 Responses

  1. I’ve seen W.A.S.P., let’s see,
    1. They annihilated Kiss on the Last Command/Asylum tour, Knoxville Coliseum, 10,000. 2. Inside the Electric Circus at a 1000 seater, California Theater, San Diego, Saxon opened, and Wasp were great. 3. The “’89 and Headless” tour, Omni in Oakland, a small club, 500 people. Pretty good, Frankie was on the drums, crazy crowd. 4. K.F.D., Slims, in San Francisco, this one was pretty funny because the tape loops that operate during the show, the ones that play the backing vocals while the bass player and drummer pretend to be singing them, weren’t functioning properly, so, they play that opening medley, then “Wild Child,” and then Blackie stops the show, and says to us, “this isn’t normally how we do business here..” alluding to the the mishaps, and they go off stage, leaving the drummer, Stet, to solo for 5 to 10 minutes…Then they come back on, and attempt to go into “L.O.V.E. Machine” and Blackie closes his eyes and sings, and right then, that white movie screen starts gradually lowering, and Blackie doesn’t see this because he’s singing passionately with his eyes closed, and now, that screen is about to hit him in the face, as it keeps lowering with no sign of slowing, Blackie opens his eyes just in time, and the screen fully lowers, blocking the view to the stage pretty much. To say Blackie was very pissed off would be putting it lightly, he storms off, about to make his exit from the stage, he is telling one of the crew who is employed by the club, to move his guitar cabinet out of the way, so he can leave. There is a standoff, the club guy just stares at him, so, Blackie takes that cabinet and hurls out of the way, and that was that. Show over. Lol…someone threw a beer bottle at the drum set, but I said, “hey! don’t start a riot!” and then everyone dispersed, cursing Blackie. Me, I didn’t blame him one bit, if you are putting yourself out there like that, emotionally, as a performer, and you are completely taken out of your “zone,” you can’t perform, and the guy couldn’t go on, and that’s life. 300 people were there. 5. House of Blues, Hollywood, 2001, and they were in prime time form, Blackie came out with a torch in his hand, lit up the logo, and that set the tone for the entire performance. The highlight was when he broke that glow stick and put the goo all over his face and hopped up on that Easy Rider from hell mic stand. 6. HOB blues again, 2003, he played and sang great, but the show was a bit perfunctory. 500 people or so, give or take for those HOB shows

  2. I can’t believe I forgot this one: The Stone, San Francisco, 1993, for The Crimson Idol, and there was probably 100 people there, but this was, flat out, the best I have ever seen Blackie perform, he was his most authentic, and talk about a guy in the prime of his life. Johhny Rod was still there too, with Stet.

  3. No, that Stone show was in 1992, because The Crimson Idol was only available as an import at that point and so the few fans that were there, and Blackie had this going for him at this point, were very dedicated fans. He looked at us and very sincerely thanked us for being there, and then, he went off to play Donnington.

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