Slashandcompany Five days ago Slash released the title track from his forthcoming album, World On Fire, for streaming. Now, the guitarist has released a lyric video for the same song. Watch the clip below.

To learn more about World on Fire and to read an interview with Slash and his singer Myles Kennedy, click here.

World On Fire will be released on on September 16th.


9 Responses

  1. Don’t over-analyze it, just enjoy it. Besides, I don’t think there are anymore rules to be broken. Slash is a established musician who has seen it all, been there and done that, what else can he do?

  2. Its more of a single for radio format so usually radio tracks aren’t the best anyways. Most morons see Slash on tour they think Guns and Roses tunes anyways they care less for a new song from Slash. Average fans only care to hear the radio songs over and over again. That is what fills seats and makes some money I guess.

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