rush400pix Rush have finally made the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.

For the in-depth, career-spanning cover story, senior writer Brian Hiatt ­followed the band to early tour rehearsals in Los Angeles and soundchecks in Tulsa, Oklahoma, interviewing Neil Peart, Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson about their lives and careers, from their childhoods to their Eighties evolution to the recording of 2012’s Clockwork Angels. Throughout the story, one question looms: Can their current run of shows, which began May 8th in Tulsa, really be their “last major tour of this magnitude,” as they’ve called it? The band members themselves don’t seem altogether sure.

“It’s most likely our last tour,” says Lee. “I couldn’t put it any more accurately. I can’t say for sure. But it doesn’t mean we don’t want to work together still, it doesn’t mean we won’t do another creative project and I’ve got ideas for shows we could do that don’t involve a tour.”

To see Rush’s Rolling Stone cover, please click here.


11 Responses

  1. Long before the Rock & Roll Hall of Shame made it’s mark with ill chosen candidates, Rolling Stone was the first major rock and roll magazine that from the very outset was nothing about rock and roll. I subscribed for a year in the early 80’s and I could never put my finger on what angle they were trying to achieve but it was a waste of money. They seemed to celebrate bands that had no more accountability to their craft than Kiss or Rush. Almost Famous had a good time talking their pompous ass down in that movie.

  2. Eddie, if you’re reading this, the next time you interview Geddy, why not ask him about how they considered getting Michael Schenker in the band? Geddy talked about it in a British record collectors’ magazine around 2000, but I’ve never been able to find it online.

    1. I never heard of that in my life and can’t see it making any sense beyond the fact that UFO and Rush did tour together

    2. Geddy said in the interview that Michael had either just left UFO or had just left The Scorps again. Remember, around the same time Michael also auditioned to replace Joe Perry in Aerosmith, but balked after they made anti-German comments to him.

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