Ryan Reed of Rolling Stone spoke with Rush bassist Geddy Lee, excerpts from the interview appear below.

Rolling Stone: Now that Rush now appears to be in hibernation since the last tour, have you thought at all about recording another solo album? You haven’t released one since My Favourite Headache in 2000.

Lee: I go down to my studio on and off, and whenever I pick up an instrument, something comes out spontaneously, and I try to at least grab a moment of it and stick it on tape and forget about it. I’ve been so busy the past three years with this book project [Geddy Lee’s Big Beautiful Book of Bass, out December 4th], which consumed my entire being — which is fairly typical to my personality — that I haven’t been thinking about another music project at this point. I say that, and at the same time, another part of my brain is always thinking about another music project. But when you’ve spent 42 years working closely with the same people and formed the kind of bond and friendship that the three of us have had — and maintained, to this day — it’s a big decision and a big question what you want to do next. Or if you want to do something next.

These are fundamental, existential questions, and I cannot say that I’ve answered that question satisfactorily enough to move in one direction or another. Part of that is due to the fact that I have been so obsessed with [this book]. In a broader sense, it’s a book about what the bass guitar means to me — and what the bass guitar means to music, especially from the years 1950 through the Eighties. So it was quite a fascinating endeavor and a great challenge, and in a way I welcomed this obsession into my life as a door. Obsessions are doors to other things if you’re doing it right. It was a fabulous reeducation to the instrument that I’ve held in my hands for so many years but took for granted.

Rolling Stone: Is there anything at all you can tell us about the state of Rush in general?

Geddy Lee: The state of Rush in general … Well, I’d say I can’t really tell you much other than that there are zero plans to tour again. As I said earlier, we’re very close and talk all the time, but we don’t talk about work. We’re friends, and we talk about life as friends. I can’t really tell you more than that, I’m afraid. I would say there’s no chance of seeing Rush on tour again as Alex, Geddy, Neil. But would you see one of us or two of us or three of us? That’s possible.

Rolling Stone: Hopefully either way we’ll hear another solo album one of these years.

Geddy Lee: I appreciate the vote of confidence. I do think about it, and I think once the dust settles from this project, I’ll probably find myself bored and wandering down to the studio to try to enliven my own life, and if something of a positive nature happens down there, I’ll take it to the next step. But beyond that, I could only guess.

Read Lee’s entire interview with Rolling Stone, here.


3 Responses

  1. Yeah, Neil is done touring and playing. I’m bummed about it but I understand. He toured nearly non-stop his entire adult life and then lost his first born daughter in a car crash, then his first wife to cancer. He has a new family now and he wants to be there with them and watch his second daughter grow up. I understand that completely. I’d like to see Geddy and Alex team up as a duo, but it’d end up sounding like Rush with a different drummer, and nobody would want that. Geddy fit in great with Yes filling in for Chris Squire when Yes were inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, so maybe he could do something with those guys. I think it’d be cool also to hear him play in a group as just the bass player or maybe co-sing. Someone like Jon Anderson or someone of that era of music wpukd be great. Alex also needs to hook up with different musicians. Those guys are just too good to not keep playing and making new music.

    1. Totally agree, James. Neil is happy with his new family, and deserves to enjoy them without the pressure and physical toll touring takes on his body. But Alex and Geddy are too good of musicians to not do new projects! At one time, I thought I would love to see them tour as RUSH with a different drummer, perhaps Mike Portnoy. But after thinking about it more, I don’t think that would be a great idea. Not even a drummer as talented as Portnoy could replace the MASTER, and it wouldn’t be fair to him or the band to compare the two. Also, Geddy’s voice really cannot handle the older RUSH tunes, anymore. So, I agree that Alex and Geddy should explore new projects with other musicians.

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