Gene-Simmons400 KISS star Gene Simmons says he’s proud to be among the One Percent of the world’s richest people – and insists everyone else owes him a debt of gratitude.

The bassist believes the world would descend into “chaos” if it wasn’t for him and fellow millionaires.

Simmons tells, “The one percent pays 80 percent of all taxes. 50 percent of the population of the US pays no taxes. The one percent provides all the jobs for everybody else. If the one percent didn’t exist there would be chaos and the economy would drop dead.”

He adds, “Try being nice to rich people. I don’t remember the last poor person who gave me a job.”

Describing his 30 years of extreme financial security as “fantastic” he continues: “You know how I spell ‘shameless?’ P-r-o-u-d.”

He explains, “People often confuse my pride and self-confidence with arrogance. I’m like an animal in the jungle that pisses on the ground and doesn’t ask permission. That’s full disclosure before the facts – others hold their opinions to themselves and never say who they are. You will always know who I am. You don’t have to like it.”

KISS recently announced, KISS Rocks Vegas residency, starting November 5th at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas. The band is currently on tour with Def Leppard.

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125 Responses

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  • charles beisser on

    he is getting as bad as sarah palin everytime he opens his mouth more stupidity comes out of it

    • Keith Gallant on

      What did he say that was factually incorrect, Charles? The top 1% of wage earners in the US DO pay the VAST majority of the taxes in this country. Almost 50% of the population DO NOT pay federal income taxes. And I have never been hired by a poor person for any job I have had in my career (I am 49 years old, and have had alot of jobs). You may not like what he said, but that doesn’t make him stupid. He has earned every dollar he has, and he doesn’t owe anybody anything. As far as I am concerned, that makes him someone to admire, not someone to ridicule.

    • Rich C on


      There are a few things you may need to know about for the 1% and certain people (not all). First those of the 1% do overall pay more taxes than that of lower income people even if it were a flat tax. However, the 1% does not have to worry about putting food on the table or live paycheck by paycheck. Also the 1% has the luxury of tax loopholes which they can invest which poor or middle class do not have the option so many of them pay less percentage wise than middle class or poor counterparts (I have no clue what Gene’s financial portfolio has but don’t be surprised if he used tax loopholes). Regardless, even if the 1% have to pay half to 3/4 of their earnings for taxes, they don’t have to worry about struggling to pay their bills. Poor and middle class people do.

      To Gene’s credit he did earn his money and it was all KISS related whether it is recordings, songwriting credits, concert tickets and merchandise (which in this case what KISS has done was unprecedented) as opposed to other 1 percenters who earned their money through inheritance (like Gene’s children). While Gene should be happy he made these earnings and set for life, he came across as arrogant and disrespectful to the fans that not only contributed to his fortune but condescending towards them. Any smart businessman knows fans need to be appreciated not spit in their faces if they want continued income. So it is no surprise to see this mostly negative reaction.

    • Joe on

      ” Any smart businessman knows fans need to be appreciated not spit in their faces if they want continued income. So it is no surprise to see this mostly negative reaction.”….
      ….B I N G O…….Joe in The Cuse

    • 13BURRN! on

      Say what you will about Simmons; he’s a world class asshole and I particularly hate what he and Stanley have done to the KISS name, making a mockery of what was once one of the most respected bands in the history of rock ‘n roll. I, too, wish he would just go away.


      Simmons is not stupid in any way, shape and/or form. He’s a very intelligent guy and his rep, his image is very important to him. That being said, he will say NOTHING unless he knows he’s right about what he’s talking about, as that’s kind of thing, besides all the bloodletting and tongue action; he KNOWS what he’s talking about.

      Sounds to me that you’re one of those sheep who can’t think for yourself and instead, bleat out the “official” dogmatic drivel that spews forth from the Democrat Party like so much oral diarrhea. But hey, keep it up. You’re doing the world a great favor in helping prove that the Jackass is the PERFECT mascot for said Democrat Party. Or even the Republican Party for that matter. They both suck syphilletic ass and as far as I’m concerned, a completely different party is needed to get this country back on it’s feet after the eight years that Chairman MAObama pretty much destroyed everything the country has worked and stood for, for the past 200+ years. I didn’t like Bush either, but at least he didn’t blatantly shit on his own country like YOUR All Shining & Beloved Leader, Chairman MAObama is, has and will continue to do until he’s either impeached (like that will ever happen) or leaves office, which for me couldn’t happen sooner.

      Fuck MAObama, Fuck Bush, Fuck D.C. and fuck YOU, Chuck.

  • Dwayne Cole on

    No Poor man ever offered me a job. I think I heard a politician from Texas say that and he was a real asshole.

    • 13BURRN! on

      And you know this because YOU ACTUALLY HAVE IRREFUTABLE PROOF, or, more like Chucky up top, you’re just another Democrat Party sheep who bleats out whatever it is they tell you to?

      I don’t like the guy either, but for REAL reasons, not because it’s “hip” and “fashionable” (ya, but to only those in S.F.) to say things like “Bush is a real asshole”.

      Say, let’s try this: “I once read a post from somebody named Dwayne. He’s a real asshole.”

      So how would I know that you’re an asshole based on one, two sentence post? I don’t. I don’t know you, nor you me. I have no idea about anything having to do with your life, hence I have no idea if you’re an asshole or not. My guess is the latter, and for me to suggest the former makes ME the asshole for have zero facts to back up my claim.

      As Bobby Plant once said: “Thank you all very much. God Bless. Good Night! \m/ \m/

    • Dana on

      Thank you Mr. Nick 😉

      D 🙂

  • Bill on

    Hahahahaha, lot’s of denial in this thread, to be sure.

    What exactly did he say that was so wrong? “Be yourself”?? “Be proud of who you are”?? The numbers on taxing paying are accurate (google it, if you’re a nonbeliever), but if anyone else said this stuff they’d be praised.

    And regardless, that doesn’t give anyone license to be an anti-Semite. Why his religion is an issue here is beyond me, and speaks way more of the poster than Gene Simmons. Maybe he’s a millionaire and you’re posting on a local DJ’s website because he’s NOT a hater and a bigot.

    • Dana on

      Hi Bill,

      Can you please point me in the direction of the racist comment? I just combed through this thread, and it possible, I missed it. I am EXTREMELY sensitive to those types of statements and must emphasize that it will not be tolerated here.

      Thank you in advance of your cooperation,
      Dana from 🙂

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