judaspriest640 Judas Priest have been previewing and streaming full versions of songs from their upcoming album Redeemer of Souls, which will be released July 8th. Below is a preview of the song Battle Cry with an introduction from guitarist Richie Faulkner. Listen to it below.

In the past several weeks, Judas Priest have been previewing and streaming many of the songs from Redeemer of Souls. Click on the highlighted titles below to hear the corresponding song.

Redeemer of Souls
March of the Damned
Halls Of Valhalla


33 Responses

  1. clown/orion – you make it sound like their music or their very existence inconveniences you in some way. Enough of an inconvenience that you feel the need to go out of your way to complain about it. There has to be something better you can be doing with your time. Here’s an idea: Go post positive reviews and opinions on a site where you LIKE the product their putting out. Be it music, food, midget porn- whatever floats the boat.

  2. doug, why don’t you at least attempt to counter with what you think is good about the new Priest? Instead of “go somewhere else,” which makes you seem infantile. Metal is very intelligent music, trust me, the guys in Priest are very astute people. What they are doing is appealing to the lowest common denominator as a way to move product.

    1. Infantile? really? “CLOWN”?? If you don’t like the new music JP is putting out, why then do you “CLOWN” spend so much time talking about it? You made your point, (over and over) you don’t like it, so move on! Hop in your little clown car and ride somewhere else. You obviously haven’t been paying much attention to other people’s comments except your own and the few that may agree with you. I’ve been saying from the first preview of Redeemer, this sounds like “classic Priest”, sounds like the best stuff they’ve done since Defenders. A band like JP is NOT doing this “for the money”, they don’t need the money, they’re doing this because it’s what they do, what they live for, what they love, making music, and hopefully touring in the near future. So for the ones who get it, who understand that, no explanation is needed, but for the “CLOWNS” like you, there is no explanation, have a nice day.

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