Metal Hammer reports:

In his upcoming tome, Confess: The Autobiography, Judas Priest iconic frontman, Rob “The Metal God” Halford, revealed that he once tried to unsuccessfully seduce former Iron Maiden frontman Paul Di’Anno.

In the book, the singer admits to inviting Di’Anno back to his hotel room in an attempt to seduce Di’Anno when Maiden supported Priest on 1980’s British Steel tour.

Relations between the two bands became tense after Di’Anno cockily proclaimed Maiden would “blow Judas Priest off stage every night,” with Priest guitarist KK Downing threatening to have the band thrown off the tour.

“We didn’t really hang out and banter with Maiden much on that tour,” writes Halford in Confess, “but maybe I took Di’Anno’s comment that he would blow Priest off stage too literally… because the one night we got drunk together, I tried to seduce him. We went to my room to carry on drinking, but I was too pissed to try anything, and he was too pissed to even know what I wanted to try. I think that was definitely for the best.”

Halford promises that Confess: The Autobiography, which is published on September 28th, is “going to shock you.”

Halford has also recorded an audiobook version of his autobiography.

9 Responses

    1. He said they both were…

      In his upcoming memoir Confess: The Autobiography (via Classic Rock), Halford wrote: “We didn’t really hang out and banter with Maiden much on that tour, but maybe I took Di’Anno’s comment that he would blow Priest off stage too literally … because the one night we got drunk together, I tried to seduce him! We went to my room to carry on drinking, but I was too pissed to try anything, and he was too pissed to even know what I wanted to try. … I think that was definitely for the best.”

      Read More: Rob Halford Once Tried to Seduce Paul Di’Anno | https://ultimateclassicrock.com/rob-halford-seduce-paul-dianno/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

    2. I know all that, Myk, what I meant was Rob must’ve been REALLY drunk to want to seduce Di’Anno.

    1. I guess Bruce had to find another Point Of Entry…

      I hear Rob has been doing alot of online shopping lately, I guess you can never have too many leather whips for all that “Pain And Pleasure!” 😉

  1. Back in ’82 I used to talk to this very wise beyond her years 15 year old girl named Angel…she ran their fan club and toured with them…and she told me in ’82 that those two bands HATED each other…she said she only saw Rob have a civil talk with Bruce once on the whole tour…she told me Rob was gay but he once hooked up with a female on the tour because he was drunk…lol….she told me Bruce wasn’t that impressed with Priest except for the song Bloodstone…she also told me that Ian Hill could play anything Steve Harris could and that once a bunch of fans started telling him how much he sucked and he just stood there and took it…man, I wonder how Angel is doing now…she sent me pcutres of them on the road..

  2. Paul should have known something was up when he walked into Rob’s hotel room and “Delivering The Goods” was playing on the boombox.

    But seriously, does Eddie know that there is an 8 disc version of “Strangers in the Night” coming in November? He probably did the liner notes.

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