Scott Munro of Classic Rock reports:

Motley Crue are back in the spotlight once again thanks to their upcoming biopic The Dirt.

The film based on their colorful career will premiere on Netflix on March 22nd.

[The band wrote four new songs to accompany the film soundtrack. Listen to The Dirt (Est. 1981) (feat. Machine Gun Kelly), here.

…Could their brief studio reunion lead to something more permanent?

Speaking exclusively with Classic Rock, Sixx says, “We haven’t even had that talk. We’ve just been wrapped up in the movie. 

Yeah, I miss the guys, and I miss playing with them, and playing that music, but everyone’s fairly busy with their own thing. 

That’s a whole conversation that we haven’t even had at that point. And I don’t know if we ever will.”

He told Rolling Stone, “Sometimes I look out at my friends, like the guys in Aerosmith and Metallica, and I’m like, ‘God damn it, did we retire too soon?

But there will be no one-offs in our future. Maybe we’ll just get together and jam in Mick Mars’ front room.”

13 Responses

  1. Nikki seems to be saying anything for attention, and that’s not always a bad thing, publicity is publicity … but he is acting overly whiney & childish when it comes to Kiss lately, they probably wouldn’t have existed if not for kiss- I’m probably really in the minority here with hard rock fans , but I never really liked any of motleys music other than too fast for love and the motley crue album with John Corabi on vocals – that album I thought was amazing ! (too fast ) had a really great raw sound and intensity , after that not so much until Corabi stepped in – I never cared for Vince ‘s voice at all, It worked on the first album for me because the music was so raw intense and honest , almost punk- I’m more of a fan of Coverdale , Kotzen , Dio, Corabi style vocalists – but what do I know lol .. their music struck a chord with millions of people and motley became massively popular !! just not my cup of tea –

    1. I agree Robert, I never cared for Vince as a vocalist, either. When the Metal God is your favorite singer, it is kind of difficult to listen to Halford and then listen to Neil.

      I also concur with your choices in vocalists, minus Corabi. He isn’t bad, but my list would include Sebastian Bach, Eric Martin, Ron Young, Robert Mason, Oni Logan, etc.., instead.

      D 🙂

  2. The more I listen to “The Dirt,” the more I can’t figure out why some people are so upset that there’s a “rap” in it. There is no rap in it. The words are being spit out like a staccato chant. KISS’ “All Hell’s Breaking Loose” is more of an old-school rap than this song. So is the break in Rush’s “Roll The Bones.” And should I even get into Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way”? I think the real issue here is that some people are such purists that their heads are exploding that a rapper even dares to be on a Motley Crue track (again, pay no mind to Aerosmith) or act – ACT! – as Tommy Lee in a biopic.

    1. I can only speak for myself, whether one considers this rap, or not, I just think that part of the song is nonsensical and quite lame.

      Actually, that is what modern rap sounds like today, It usually contains no melody with a monotone stream of consciousness, shouting or autotuned vocals combined with some woman singing a catchy chorus that has updated lyrics set of an older hit song.

      I forwarded this to a friend of mine, who was into the band from the beginning, and this was his reply, “That’s Crüe?? … OMG.”

      On a semi related note, I never liked, the verse in, Kickstart My Heart, when Neil starts to croon, “When we started this band, all we needed, needed was a laugh. Years gone by I’d say we kicked some a–.”

      It takes away from the driving backbone of that song, and is just so cheesy. It literally embarrasses me, every time I hear it, and I didn’t even write the song.

    2. On “All Hell’s Breakin’ Loose,” Paul talks, he doesn’t rap. “Roll The Bones” is the only Rush song I don’t listen to, and as far as “Walk This Way?” Steven is just speed-talking, there was no such thing as rap in 1975, well, not like the sh-t today or the last 30 years or so. That “collaboration” with those rappers in ’86? Made me sick, hearing it (cringing) once was too much. But, Aerosmith has always been my favorite band and always will be, despite that blemish. Now the Crue? Tommy Lee is a juvenile delinquent! A grown man pushing 60 still trying to be in with the “cool kids,” for what?? The only reason for that rap sh-t in “The Dirt” is to make Tommy happy, and what the hell does a rapper know about rock? Especially 80’s rock? Or the 80’s Crue? I’m sure it was Tommy who hand picked this dick to play him in the movie. I guess Tommy wasn’t kidding years ago when he said he’ll never grow up.

    3. Hey, we’ll just have to agree to disagree, but I did laugh at why KISS and Aerosmith didn’t rap. “Paul talks”….”Steven speed-talks”….and exactly how is that different from rapping? Both are set to a beat. Both rhyme. My point is, let’s not be such purists that we can’t tell a rap from rap. And quite honestly – and completely backtracking what I said earlier – the more I listen to the Motley Crue song, the more I think that’s a rap break too – just like “All Hell’s Breaking Loose” and “Walk This Way” are rapped. As for “there was no rap in 1975,” it may be true that “rap” as a genre didn’t exist, but songs with rapping already did. If there really was no rap in 1975, then Steven Tyler is the inventor and godfather of rap.

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