sammyhagar400pix Doug Elfman of the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports:

I knew Sammy Hagar was calling me Monday, so I kept saying to myself, “Don’t ask him how terrible the new Van Halen album is.” But then, Hagar brought up how terrible it is.

“I’m trying to tread lightly on the whole thing,” Hagar told me. “Every time they do something, I’m like, ‘Oh my god, can these guys do anything worse to their reputation and to the level of the music of the band?”

I can’t believe Van Halen even released the album with Roth’s voice sounding like it does.

“They’ve got some pretty rough vocals,” Hagar said of Roth.

I told Hagar I tried not to even bring up Van Halen.

“I’m glad you didn’t, but I did,” Hagar said and laughed. “I try to stay away from criticism, but here I am, already starting this interview with it. It’s impossible, Doug. It’s impossible to stay away from. Standing back, I’m just going, ‘What the (expletive) are these guys thinking?’”

…He continues, “The Van Hagar era — those great songs, ‘Poundcake,’ ‘When It’s Love,’ ‘Right Now,’ ‘Why Can’t This Be Love?,’ ‘Top of the World,’ ‘Finish What Ya Started,’ ‘Best of Both Worlds’ — you’ll never hear those songs again, unless I’m singing them.”

Read the entire article at the Las Vegas Review-Journal.


28 Responses

  1. Sammy’s never had a problem speaking his mind. Harry Taint makes a very good point how Michael Anthony’s backing vocals could cover for Dave’s voice and give him the support Wolfie can’t and he’s also a better bass player than Wolfgang is. No disrespect meant to Wolfgang, it’s just the truth. Mike’s backing vocals are as identifiable with the classic Van Halen sound as anything else.

  2. I am a Sammy Hagar fan and I understand that sometimes he is asked about Van Halen, so some mention of them is unavoidable, but he needs to let it go. It seems like he finds an excuse to slam them in every interview whether asked or not. Hagar, who is still a great singer, has had several great projects going in the last few years. He should focus more on his own career.

  3. The rock & roll Jimmy Buffet certainly has an interesting way of promoting his so-called new band’s mostly-covers live album. First, he releases a single from it (because, you know, the world was clamoring for another live version of “Poundcake”) on SoundCloud (laughs!!!!!) on the same week that his former band – which he so desperately wants to rejoin – releases their live album. Then, he trashes his former band and their lead singer to anyone who will listen.

    The (Old) Red Rocker is like the bitter old guy in the barber shop who rants about who would win in an imagined fight – Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson. You’re irrelevant, Sam! Your old band won’t even acknowledge you!

    1. I thought wolfie was the relevant in the room. now I’m really confused.

  4. Doesn’t matter if you like Sammy or not, he does sound better at this stage. I saw the last two VH tours with DLR, either I was wasted or DLR didn’t sound that bad? At least on the nights I saw them.
    Still, wish Sammy wouldn’t stoop to this level.
    He’s prolly more bitter with Michael Anthony not being on the current VH tour and YES it would make a differance. js

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