tommylee The wrist issues that forced Tommy Lee to sit out of Motley Crue‘s concert in Buffalo, N.Y, on October 14th) have not been resolved. He also missed October 16th’s show in Bridgeport, Ct.

Lee typed out a note, took a picture of it and tweeted it out to his followers. “As some of you may have heard,” it began, “I sustained an injury of severe inflammation to my left wrist and was unable to play the other night in Buffalo. I’m so sorry to say that the injury has not improved and it is unlikely I will be able to perform again tonight in Bridgeport. Regardless, the show must go on and Alice Cooper‘s amazing drummer, Glen Sobel will be filling in for me on drums. I will, however, come on stage to see everyone and also to play the piano with my good hand for the finale on ‘Home Sweet Home.’ I am told that this injury is temporary and that I will be back on stage very shortly. I’m doing everything in my power to speed up the healing process, I hate not being able to play for you guys!!”

Sobel filled in for Lee on Wednesday after spending that afternoon learning their material. Lee helped out by coaching him through the in-ear monitors and triggering some of the electronics. However, he did not take a ride of the Cruecifly drum roller coaster.

Hopefully, Lee will recover soon because time is running out for the band.

source: ultimateclassicrock.com

15 Responses

  1. I hope he gets well soon. There’s really only two bands that the drum solo is one of the most anticipated section of the concert if not THE most anticipated section and those two bands are RUSH and MOTLEY CRUE.

    1. Hey James, maybe you can help me out here bro, my buddies and I are having this ongoing argument about which TV show was better, “The Addams Family,” or “The Munsters!” I like the Addams, but I’ve always liked the Munsters more, for 3 reasons. 1, it’s funnier, 2, Herman’s hot rod, and 3, Lily (IMO) was hotter than Morticia! 😉 So what do you think James, “The Addams Family” vs. “The Munsters,” who’s better?

    2. The Munsters were cooler and funnier. And Marilyn Munsters was a babe, even in black and white.

    3. Doug,
      Seeing those old MUNSTERS reruns in the mid to late 70’s, Marilyn Munster, the blonde niece of Lily and Herman Munster, was probably my first crush when I was a little kid. That is, until I saw Electra Woman and Dyna Girl. Dyna Girl was HOT and my favorite but Electra Woman was hot to! So here’s a new debate for you and your buddies: Who’s hotter, Electra Woman or Dyna Girl?

    1. William,

      Perhaps the problem with the written word is that it lacks tone, so it is open to interpretation.

      One can correct another without being so nit picky and rude. If we are talking about the difference between the word “few” (implying more than two) and “couple” (meaning two), it is literally the difference of one more. Really, was his comment necessary? How did he know that it wouldn’t eventually be more than two?

      If he waited a week to see if Lee missed only two shows, then his argument would have held more weight. But I had a feeling, and foresight, based upon the information provided, that Lee had a high probability of missing more than just two shows.

      I think what gets my goat is arm chair editors. I am always appreciative of constructive advice, but it the ones who are disrespectful, and blow everything way out proportion, that occasionally, get under my skin.

      Dana 🙂

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