ac:dc400 Despite an earlier report from Billboard magazine that rumors of AC/DC’s retirement was imminent due the health of guitarist Malcom Young were false, conflicting information continues to surface.

Mark Evans, who claims that he is the son of original AC/DC singer Dave Evans, tweeted that reports of AC/DC’s retirement are true. He added: “Malcolm Young is very sick…. [Malcolm’s son] Ross Young spoke to my father this morning because the cat got out…. But yes, the band will be finished…. No new shows or music.”

Additionally, Australian journalist Darryl Mason of The Orstrahyun reports, “About three weeks ago, founding member, rhythm guitarist, co-producer and co-songwriter Malcolm Young had a stroke, which left a blood clot on his brain. When AC/DC reunited at the start of April to begin a month of rehearsals, in the lead-up to new album recording sessions, Malcolm discovered he couldn’t play. At least, he couldn’t play like he used to play.”

As previously reported, Billboard states that insiders claim here’s no truth to the rumors. However, the band, their management and the their current label, Columbia Records, have chosen not to comment on the matter.

21 Responses

  1. There is something wrong with this article. Or maybe I am mistaken.
    Mark Evans was the bass player for AC/DC before Cliff as far as I know. Dave was the original singer, and I guess he could have had a son named Mark, Who knows?

  2. channel 9 news in ny had a story on this. they said Malcolm had a stroke. the rumors are possibly true if a news station that doesn’t give a rats ass about music, or didn’t even show the rnrhof highlights did a 2 minute piece on them.

  3. So, Brian has come out this morning and stated that the band are going into the studio on May 1st. But if it is true that Malcolm has had a stroke and is unable to play, I don’t see anything happening. I realize that Stevie Young (Alex Young’s son) has stepped in for Malcolm on the Heatseeker tour, but I don’t see them recording with Stevie. I suppose anything is possible but it just doesn’t seem like what they would do.

    It seems likely that they will end up announcing something at a later date, on their own terms. As opposed to being forced into some type of announcement by that douchebag Peter Ford in Melbourne.

    It seems clear and there have been rumors for some time that a member of the band had been ill. But AC/DC have always been very private and would never release that info.

    The main concern for AC/DC fans is that Malcolm, if it is him, gets better.

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