ac:dc400 Despite an earlier report from Billboard magazine that rumors of AC/DC’s retirement was imminent due the health of guitarist Malcom Young were false, conflicting information continues to surface.

Mark Evans, who claims that he is the son of original AC/DC singer Dave Evans, tweeted that reports of AC/DC’s retirement are true. He added: “Malcolm Young is very sick…. [Malcolm’s son] Ross Young spoke to my father this morning because the cat got out…. But yes, the band will be finished…. No new shows or music.”

Additionally, Australian journalist Darryl Mason of The Orstrahyun reports, “About three weeks ago, founding member, rhythm guitarist, co-producer and co-songwriter Malcolm Young had a stroke, which left a blood clot on his brain. When AC/DC reunited at the start of April to begin a month of rehearsals, in the lead-up to new album recording sessions, Malcolm discovered he couldn’t play. At least, he couldn’t play like he used to play.”

As previously reported, Billboard states that insiders claim here’s no truth to the rumors. However, the band, their management and the their current label, Columbia Records, have chosen not to comment on the matter.

21 Responses

  1. Now this would be a shame. One of the last bands that I grew up with not making any new music anymore would be tragic. I hope that Malcolm is well and has a speedy recovery.

  2. Say it is not so. I have seen AC/DC every tour since the Highway to Hell tour and saw them twice on The Black Ice tour because I had a feeling their touring days might be coming to an end. This would be a sad way to end 40 years of great music. However, we can only hope if this is true Malcolm will be recover with little to no side effects. We know we are getting old when our rock heros are departing us (Ronnie James Dio) and unable to continue due illness and/or age. Let There Be Rock!

  3. If this were NOT true, the label and management would be denying this up and down. They are not. That said, although Malcolm is a huge part of this band, he is not the be-all, end-all. They replaced Bon, didn’t they? As the survivor of a brain injury, I am noticing alot of guys are having brain injuries. It’s like buying a car and then finding out alot of people own the same car. But AC/DC are not 28 years old anymore. They are in their early 60s. If Malcolm can’t play, or dies, they won’t play again, only because they are already up there in age and already have loads of money. It won’t be because they don’t want to play.

  4. Seems like something has happened. My thoughts go to his family and the rest of the band. This must be a difficult decision if one has been made. In my area already all the AC/DC tribute bands are offering condolences and then adding that they will still be playing AC/DC’s music, so come on out and see them. I know it’s a business but that is disgusting to me. If this is true then thank you Malcolm and the boys for all those years of sacrifice on the road to bring us such great rock and roll…”
    In the beginning
    Back in nineteen fifty-five
    Man didn’t know about a rock ‘n’ roll show
    And all that jive
    The white man had the schmaltz
    The black man had the blues
    No one knew what they was gonna do
    But Tchaikovsky had the news
    He said –
    “Let there be sound,” and there was sound
    “Let there be lights,” and there was lights
    “Let there be drums,” and there was drums
    “Let there be guitar,” and there was guitar
    “Let there be rock”

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