





Black Sabbath have released another teaser clip for their upcoming album , the first with Ozzy Osbourne since 1978′s Never Say Die. View it below.

In the video guitarist Tony Iommi discusses the band’s new material saying, “It’s different altogether now. We’ve got much more of a thing going than what it was in them days. The new material’s really good – we’ve got some good stuff going. Rick’s looking for a raw Sabbath and that’s what we’re looking for. We like what we’re doing.”

The guitarist adds jokingly “We can’t leave it any longer – we’ll all be dead soon.”

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6 Responses

  1. Ozzy’s statement in that Rolling Stone article re: Bill Ward is bullshit. Essentially he is saying “Just take what you are offered and shut up,” which is likely the attitude that drove Bill Ward out. “The life of a bohemian rock star is long fucing over.” Easy thing to say coming from a guy whose net worth is probably 100X that of Bill Ward’s.

  2. Ozzy’s statement in that Rolling Stone article re: Bill Ward is bull. Essentially he is saying “Just take what you are offered and shut up,” which is likely the attitude that drove Bill Ward out. “The life of a bohemian rock star is long over.” Easy thing to say coming from a guy whose net worth is probably 100X that of Bill Ward’s.

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