Iconic bass player Pete Way founder of UFO, Waysted, Fastway and, most recently, The Pete Way Band has died. He was 69.

A statement on Way; Facebook page reads:

“He sustained life threatening injuries in an accident two months ago but fought hard until finally succumbing to those injuries at 11.35am BST today. His wife, Jenny, was at his side.

Pete Way was a much loved and highly regarded figure among rock fans, critics and fellow musicians alike. Best known for his work with UFO, Pete’s energetic live performances were at the heart of the band’s countless world tours.

His melodic bass lines underpinned the catalogue of enduring rock classics upon which UFO’s reputation and legacy were founded. Pete’s post UFO work included collaborating with “Fast” Eddie Clarke from Motörhead – the two putting together Fastway with Humble Pie drummer Jerry Shirley and bassist for his long time friend, Ozzy Osbourne.

He then put together his own band Waysted.

Pete’s keen ear for song arrangements have also seen him serve as producer for popular hard rock acts such as Twisted Sister and the Cockney Rejects. Pete had recently finished a solo album, ‘Walking On The Edge’ with producer Mike Clink (Guns n Roses “Appetite For Destruction” amongst many more.)

He had a biography published ‘A Fast Ride Out Of Here’ in 2017 and an album ‘Amphetamine’ which is currently out on Cargo Records.

Pete is survived by two daughters, Zowie and Charlotte and his younger brother, Neill.”

25 Responses

  1. Much like Eddie, UFO is my favorite band….from the time I bought Phenomenon as a 15 year old and dropped the needle…..through his Waysted Years and on…….Pete is and will ALWAYS be my favorite bass player….sad that I ever got the chance to met him and tell him how much his music and songwriting has influenced my life…

    1. Brad,

      I never had any knowledge of UFO/ Then, one day, my then boyfriend picked me up, and he was blasting Obsession in the car. I asked him who he was playing, and he replied “UFO,” then he said Michael Schenker was the guitarist. It made complete sense at that point, as Schenker was his idol. I thought the stuff sounded great and asked him to make a copy for me (on cassette tape, remember those?).

      So, ever since then, Obsession has been my all time favorite UFO album.

      D 🙂

  2. My first foray in the UFO world was Force It. The album cover and title did it for me. Never heard of them (I was 14) but was intrigued by the title and picture. I’m glad I bought it and many more UFO albums after that.

  3. RIP Mr Way. I have been a huge UFO fan from way back in the day – around 1976 and have remained a huge fan of their music since then (one of my pics from the March 17 gig at Sioux City Iowa is on Paul Raymond’s Website). Back in 1982 my friends and I drove from McPherson to Wichita – got there at noon for a gig featuring UFO opening for Ozzy (Randy Rhodes died only weeks later). We waited all frigging day and once the gates opened up I hauled my ass to the front and held on the barrier. As UFO was exiting stage left after the show I yelled – hey Pete throw my your pick. He turned and flipped a perfect toss to me and it bounced off my hand and someone else got it. ‘K! Mother ‘K!! Still bugs me to this day.

    Back in High School i(Villa Park HS Villa Park CA) n the late 70’s – I managed to get a feature story published in the school paper on UFO. I recall UFO at Long Beach Arena in 1979 – show sold out in 20 minutes. This was the no place to run tour – maybe it was 80 – not sure. But the opening of Letting Go after the Alpha Centari taped intro hit ya like a sledgehammer – a great friggin show. Course they all were…..

    A sad day for sure. I’d say I’ll play some UFO in honor of Mr Way which I will – but that is pretty much a typical day for me. Good thing UFO has so many great albums……

    1. Not only that – I was about 4 feet away from him for the entire show. But the truth is – while I liked Ozzy – I loved UFO and still do. I went to see UFO and didn’t care who or if anyone else was on the bill.

      As broke college students in MCPherson Kansas we funded the concert with an interesting project. The local bank gave away bumper stickers that were orange with white writing “Lucky me – I’m from McPherson”. It took some time but how hard is it to modify “Lucky me” into someone more inappropriate? Wed take stacks of bumper stickers and make appropriate modifications and sell them for a buck. Which in 1982 was worth a lot more that it is today. We stuck one on a cop car in Mcpherson and holy crap was that funny. Today it’d have been viral. in 1982 all I have is my memory but dang that was funny as well, luck!

      That said – and to keep things in perspective – RIP Mr Way. Your legacy is impressive and its kind of sad that it takes a death to get to read how widespread your influence was…..

  4. MYk nice one a soon as I read that comment the song just went off in my head Trick or treat soundtrack is awesome from what I heard of Pete Way he get a kick outta it

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