AceFrehley600 Eddie Trunk interviewed KISS guitarist Ace Frehley for his podcast. Quotes from the interview, courtesy of, appear below.

Frehley discussing what he thinks about current KISS guitarist Tommy Thayer wearing his makeup:

“[Tommy is] not Ace Frehley by any stretch of the imagination, number one. Number two, what bothers me the most is that I know the new fans that KISS are getting don’t know it. A lot of people that see Tommy up there think he’s the original guy that created the makeup, that wrote great songs and wrote all those solos that he’s performing, but he’s not. He’s just a guy up there copying me and trying to move like me and trying to sing like me and trying to play like me. And that’s what bothers me the most. I mean, the real hardcore fans know. But the new fans, a lot of them don’t know.”

On the fact that he played with drummer Eric Singer who was wearing Peter Criss’ Catman makeup:

That was okay. I mean, Eric’s such a solid drummer, he’s a pleasure to play with, because you know the beat’s always gonna be there.” When asked if it was weird seeing someone else play in Criss’ makeup Ace said, “Well, you know, I don’t see as good as I used to, so when I look back, I can’t tell the difference. [laughs] Just like a lot of fans don’t know…I can’t tell you how many times I get phone calls and people say,’ Hey, Ace, I heard you’re playing here, I heard you’re playing there. Can you get me tickets?’ I go, ‘I’m not in the band anymore.’ Some people, still, are oblivious to that whole thing.”

To listen to Eddie’s podcast with Ace Frehley, please click here.

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137 Responses

  1. When Ace quit after the farewell tour he probably did not think there would be someone parading around as his character over a decade later. Besides, did he not give Peter money to match their salary for each show during the farewell tour towards the end? “FAREWELL TOUR” If the guy really cared that much about money he never would never have left the band. His new album is pretty good (only my opinion) so he should just leave the drama to Gene and Paul and move on.

  2. Hilarious all the hate comments towards Ace just have his name mentioned people get mad like all hell. I’d be mad also if someone else was doing my guitar parts and dressing I can see Ace’s point.

    1. He should be mad at himself for not purchasing the rights to his make-up. But he’s not smart enough to admit that.

    2. Ace claims that he ‘licensed’ the make up to Gene and Paul, which is different than Peter who sold the rights to Gene and Paul. Dunno if Ace is truthful on that one, but that’s what he has stated.

  3. Stevie Nicks gave up lots of points to get Christine back this Fall. Gene & Paul could offer peanuts for Ace to return and he’d be financially better than Altoona & Sayerville and everywhere else for a year by a few shows with Kiss. Peter? Week apart he’d be solid. Doc wants it. Money talks. Gene & Paul: “So Ace you diss a player as good as you but look around smiling at Singer who plays better than Peter and both in ’77 Ace & Peter make-up and gear?”. Ask Fred Coury if playing to 122 people is fun and making a buck.

    1. LOL, Fred Coury…hilarious – I don’t know about you, but if I had a version of KISS with Simmons, Stanley, Frehley and Singer, I’d pay to see it.

  4. Love how this Kiss stuff distracts from the new music keeps coming out. Plenty of other good bands out there than hearing kiss members take shots at each other.

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