Huge congrats to Ace Frehley on his Top 10 debut on the national Top 20o on Billboard! Like all records though in this day and age the proof will be where it is 4 weeks from now. Does it have staying power and continued support? Or did all the fans just buy it week one and then it’s quickly forgotten (sadly the case with most rock and metal albums). If he does videos and tours that will certainly help but that is all TBD. Either way I am happy for my old friend who is about to celebrate 8 years of being sober and just delivered the highest charting Kiss or Kiss related solo album ever.

Headed to S Florida tomorrow. See you at The Hard Rock in Hollywood Friday for Slash and Sunday for Deep Purple. Remember my books signings will be just outside the Hard Rock Cafe inside the casino AFTER the concerts. Around 10:15 for Slash and 9:15 for Purple. Hope to see you. Books and merch for sale too.

All new podcast posts tomorrow with my TMS partners Don & Jim sitting in with me. We give you our top 5 albums of 2014 so far. Since no new TMS until early next year thought this would be a fun hold over to hear from all 3 of us with a Top 5 list. Download and listen via Itunes or www.podcastone.com

Here is a link to the speaking engagement I did in Bogota two weeks ago. I do speak English during it and it is translated. This is the video stream that happened that night. I am talking a bit slower at times because I was asked to by the translator. Hope you like it, had a blast and the response was amazing. Thanks! http://www.rockaxis.tv/senal-en-vivo/especial-rock-al-parque-encuentro-de-dos-figuras/

48 Responses

  1. Hey ed! First I want to say that vh1 sounds like a s-t company, second would you agree that space invader is aces best album since the 78 solo album? I certainly think so………………….

  2. Really enjoyed the TMS Podcast discussion of “Top 5 Albums” thus far. Of course, as to be suspected, don’t agree with most of the lists. (The Slash album might make my list if I was buddies with him, but since I’m not, don’t think it’s worthy of even Top 50 this year… such a shame that he can play a guitar but can’t really write a song anymore.)

    My hard rock\metal list MIGHT be at this point:

    5. Monte Pittman – “The Power of Three” guitarist from Prong (and also Madonna!) put out a KILLER melodic thrash album.
    4. Telsa – “Simplicity” – some duds, and cheesy lyrics, but it is a grower.
    3. Kix – “Rock Your Face Off” – Big fan of their FIRST & THIRD albums but they were hit or miss beyond that for me. Pleasantly surprised by this one.
    2. Accept – “Blind Rage ” – Just out but already a favorite by far of me.
    1. High Spirits – “You Are Here” – great mix of Dokken, early Scorpions, NWOBHM, melodic hard rocking album from new Chicago band. Think Eddie would love it if happens to check it out.

    Honorable Mention:
    Judas Priest – “Redeemer of Souls” & Ace Frehley “Spaced Invader” – Both respectable if not great rock albums. Ty Segall – “Manipulator” – new, indie hard garage rock band with layers of guitars… kinda Black Sabbath influenced.

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