Great time last night here in Lincoln CA at the first ever That Metal Show Presents concert with Burn Halo, Corey Taylor, Living Colour and Anthrax. This was the first time Thunder Valley ever did a metal show at their outdoor venue. It was hot outside but that didn’t stop around 2000 TMS and metal fans from showing up and having a blast. All the bands really played great. Corey played acoustic, LC brought their usual mayhem and musical brilliance, and Anthrax closed with an hour of high energy thrash. The set included plenty from Among and two from Worship Music; Fight Em and the epic In The End. Didn’t catch much of BH as we were doing a meet & greet at the time. Thanks to all who came out and the MANY we met at the various meet & greets. LC and Anthrax are both working on new music and Corey will have some big announcements soon for his band. Hanging here today for some meet & greets we are doing for the casino then the long connecting flight home to NJ tomorrow. Will be live on SiriusXM Monday with Tom Keifer dropping by the studio. More on Monday’s show soon.

To the many asking about new episodes of TMS it looks very unlikely we will tape any new shows until Jan. Again this is NOT my desire and I have NO control. The network makes the calls. But we will do more! In the meantime check out my podcasts  and radio shows to stay up on music and what’s happening, and come on out to my live appearances listed on the home page. I have a super busy next 5 weeks with more to be added so keep a close eye on the site. And maybe some more TMS special events too.

Also a word of thanks to the many that lobby their local rock radio stations to air my weekly 3 hour syndicated show. It really does help and all the stations have to do is say they want it and clear 3 hours a week. It costs nothing. Keep on em and thanks to the nearly 30 stations in some great cities that do air the show. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

6 Responses

  1. Hey Eddie, please play some Airbourne on the show tonight. I’ll be listening over at a friend’s house, I’m not a cheapskate, but I refuse to pay for radio, TV is one thing, but not radio, even for the Trunkster on SiriusXM. I wish Directv still carried the SiriusXM channels, I used to listen to your Monday night shows all the time on Directv. I try to catch your show on Q104.3 on Friday nights, when I can.

    Anyway, looking forward to Tom Keifer & the usual good stuff tonight, but we would really like to hear some Airbourne mixed in as well, thanks!

    Work hard, rock harder! And LIVE IT UP! CHEERS! 🙂

  2. TMS ran out of guests awhile ago. Comedians and singer-songwriters indicating the utter paucity of quality guests. Artie Lange with his dubious AC/DC tales, and pointlessly yelling “Fire!!!” like he did 73,691 times on Stern from 2001-09. Jim Breuer’s “I YELL LOUD” act that was tiresome in 1994.

    1. I’ve had Directv for almost 10 years now, and the only thing that Dish has that Directv don’t, is Sirius, not enough to make me switch! Almost did when they dropped siriusXM, but overall I still love Directv, IMO they’re better than Dish in every other way, except 1, -Sirius! 😉

  3. Ed, I rag on ya sometimes, but that Night Ranger Podcast is the single best interview I’ve ever heard. Just the info,NR history and the laid back nature of the whole interview, just made it enjoyable.

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