Thanks to all for watching the latest season of TMS. Our final new episode of the season aired over the weekend with Buck from BOC & Kix. We did many new things, had a new set, and really did a relaunch of sorts of the show. Most of the reaction was very positive to many of the new things. We will all evaluate what did and didn’t work and continue to strive to improve the show. As always, VH1 has all final say as to what we do and when we do it. Hoping to hear a schedule on next tapings from them soon. Looking like taping late Oct with air dates toward end of the year. But nothing set yet and again, ALL decisions are the networks. The next few months will be replays of our 12 seasons and more than 100 episodes. So set those DVRs to record all episodes and catch up on what you may have missed. Thanks to all the guests and most of all you guys for watching TMS and our latest season of shows!


Also much about my rant on the term “Hair Metal” in the episode. 99% positive response to that which I appreciate. My feelings on it were all expressed in the rant. I have always tried to have all the genres of music I love treated with respect and it has always baffled me that some have no idea the negative history of this tag. Just a few episodes ago Jake E Lee expressed how he could not get work because he was considered “Hair Metal”. Kind of supports my point on how many view this tag as style over substance, which in many cases it is not. And for those pointing out I do a show on a satellite channel called “Hair Nation” I of course didn’t name it or ask to be on that channel (was on Boneyard for years before Sharon Osbourne removed me) and I call it TRUNK Nation when I am on. People can use whatever terms they want. This is simply my opinion and I think it helps raise the level of how the music is viewed to not have it referred to by it’s look, which everyone had in that decade. Just my 2 cents..


Saw the film The Conjuring yesterday. I enjoyed it. Not a fan of all the crazy over the top action films, 3D, IMAX, etc. This was just a good story and the theater was packed. Good to see people coming out for just good stories, which are my favorite films.


I’ll be live today 6-10P ET on SiriusXM 39 TRUNK Nation.


New Michael Monroe album sounds great. Loved the last one as well.


Hope to have all of the first leg of my book signing for VOL 2 announced here soon. Starts 9/24.

20 Responses

  1. Eddie
    did you ever try to get Richie Ranno or any members from Starz on I am a big fan and feel they were totally underrated and over looked.

  2. I was just wondering when Don gets his radio show? How is Jim in Boneyard? Does Sharon not know he is on TMS? All jokes aside, love your shows. I even dvr Trunk Nation so I can watch it after work. Keep p the good work, I wish TMS came on every Sat.!!

    1. Thanks! And I don’t care what channel my show is on as long as I do MY show and my audience follows, which thankfully they do! Jim called Sharon the C word to her face once at a roast, that must have done the trick…

    2. I love how you can have your show on a station called Hair Metal but you hate it when people use the term. Even though you call your show Trunk Nation, it still says Hair Nation for the channel on everyone’s radio. I know the story it was SiriusXM who put your show there and you had no choice.

  3. Eddie, I totally love your critique of the “hair metal” term. I am a musician who was making my living playing clubs throughout the 90’s and I can remember the day I heard ” Smelled Like Teen Spirit” and the world changed. Being a musician, I just heard a cool, new sound that I though would work well in our current set list (we were a cover band). But, I was quick to find out that those 2 worlds would not live together. The fans were really polarized about it, but we tried our best to blend the 2, playing Metallica right next to Nirvana and then some Hendrix. Great tunes are great tunes. Love the show man!! Love that you stand up for metal and good music.

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