Hosted a show in NJ last night at Bergen PAC with the Todd LaTorre Queensryche. Band played a killer set of mostly old school Ryche. Thanks to all who came out. The guys told me they already have 3 new songs demoed for their second album with Todd. Discussed some other cool ideas too which probably they don’t want made public yet, but if it happens would be cool. More soon!


Just posted on the home page is my video I shot with my iPhone of the speeches of the Kiss HOF induction. What I find most interesting about it is watching the reaction of the three guys behind whoever is at the podium. I was at a table in the very first row and actually sitting in Peter Criss’ seat when I shot it. Was a bit of chaos around me at the time but think it came out pretty good. Will be interesting to see if HBO makes any edits when it airs end of May. I only missed a few second of Gene talking at the start and Morello’s induction. I thought I was shooting that but like a dummy my phone was in photo mode. But Tom nailed it I thought.


Live show on Q104.3 NYC tonight 11P-2A ET. Listen to the free stream at www.q1043.com or use the free iheartradio app. Kip Winger will call in live, plenty of requests and giveaways too.


Honored to be hosting the Golden Gods awards in LA with Don & Jim next week. The event happens Wednesday at Nokia in LA and will air on VH1C in a few weeks. From there I fly to Maryland for M3 next weekend. Don’t forget book signing and selling at Chuck Levins booth 3 and 6P Saturday. You must have or buy a book to line up. Then I fly to Ft Lauderdale FL where I will host Avenged Sevenfold, Hellyeah, Adrenaline Mob at Hard Rock Live. Book signing selling outside the entrance to the venue starting 6P. MANY appearances and events and more to come. Please see the home page listing for more.

Happy Easter to those celebrating and have a good weekend.

78 Responses

  1. Hi Eddie,
    I love your shows!
    I think it really hit home for me when you wrote about being backstage after they received their awards and there they were all four of them together for likely the last time. I just felt punched in the gut. Although none of them have passed yet I felt like something died in me. I have been a Kiss fan since I first saw them on the Paul Lynde Halloween special. I can’t say that I am anymore. It’s just dead in me. I have appreciated the positive outlook you and Ace had in the run up to the show. What killed it for me is the level of viciousness displayed by Gene and especially Paul surrounding the event. They have always been self promotional and I understood that to a point as it was part of the bravado of Kiss. This was something entirely different. The hypocrisy is just unbearable. For two guys who are opening a chain of saloons across the planet to criticize the consumption of their former band mates is just astounding in its arrogance. I don’t remember the banter in Alive! being about temperance and moderation. Cold Gin anyone? Maybe they should have titled the song Rock and Roll All Night and Party Everyday and Then Kick the Teeth out of the People Who Had Too Much Fun. So much more to say but would rather focus on Lemmy being back which is a blessing and have to say my prayers for Malcolm.

  2. My take is Gene prefers to play with Eric because Eric is so steady, Gene always knows where Eric is going to come down on the beat, and this is less stressful for Gene as a bassist. Having said that, I think Gene would much prefer to have Ace Frehley back in the band. Me, I don’t think it sounds like Kiss without Peter or Ace.

  3. I can say I never read any of the 4 kiss books because I didn’t want to hear the bashing. we all know there is truth in what gene and paul say about peters and aces drug and alcohol issues just like there is truth in ace and peter saying that gene and paul have disrespected their part in the founding of the band. here lately I have been hearing gene say more and more that kiss wouldn’t be here today without ace and peter but I have never herd paul say anything to their part in the founding. there is hard feelings yes, but why keep bashing each other. that will never settle anything. time to move on. everyone makes mistakes and ace and peter both are paying for theirs. there is no need for them to have to have them thrown in their face all the time. I loved when I herd ace say, yes he was undependable, nobody could count on him to show up, people couldn’t work with him, and he was a risk, but people cant say that any longer sense he cleaned up. he has admitted his past and has moved on. I really think gene has accepted that and has been very supportive of ace here recently. seems all the fuss has been coming from paul. sadly tommy and eric are not to blame for any of this. both are great at what they do. both was hired to do a job. they didnt come in saying we wont take this gig if we don’t get to wear the catman or spaceman makeup. both was made to wear that makeup because it is in their contract. they have no voice in the band they are only paid help. people need to stop blaming eric and tommy for coping them. eric has always been very gracious in comments about peter. neither eric or tommy had no part in what went on with ace or peter. kiss is what it is now and you either like them or you don’t. I have never looked at it as a matter if you like eric and tommy then your being disloyal to the kiss with ace and peter. all bands replace members and go on. all bands have had fighting in them. from what I saw at hof it really looked like gene an ace still care about each other. I just hope they now bury the past and move on. we can still love kiss with eric and tommy and we can remember kiss with peter and ace. we can also enjoy ace in what he has been doing alone. honestly in my eyes I think aces work is much better outside what he did with kiss. some how it sounds stronger and more from the heart and more like he was enjoying it and it wasn’t just work. I think if had been genes choice the band would have played at hof, I think paul put the veto on that one.

  4. Queensryche! Can’t wait for new stuff from them, their last album was very good for the time squeeze they were under.

    This time they will have the settlement behind them and Tate off their ass, so they will have more creative molding time.

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