Hope everyone had a great weekend. Thanks for all the awesome response to the Mick Mars TMS episode. Great to have guys you don’t hear from often on. Also great response to my in depth radio interview making the rounds. Appreciate that. Was fun to spend a couple days with Mick and get to know him better after all these years. Episode 9 of our current 12 episode season tapes tomorrow with Dee Snider as our guest and Chris Caffery playing guitar. Some other surprises possible as well. More from the set via Twitter tomorrow as we start to roll. As usual see it this Saturday premiere on VH1C. This weeks Mick Mars show replays all week, just check your grids for days and times.


MANY reports about this weekends Hell & Heaven Festival’s status in Mexico City. Latest I am hearing is it is on but at a new location outside Mexico City. Please understand I am a VERY small part of this event and I am only getting my info from the agent that booked me on it. If you are in Mexico you likely know more than me. Assuming it does happen I will be there as planned. I’ll keep you posted on what I hear but much I am learning from you and some of the bands playing I have friends in. Hope it all works out.


Many reports and rumors out there about Kiss and the R&R HOF. All I can tell you is at this time there are NO plans for any version of Kiss to play at it at all and no tribute act either. All four members will make a speech and there would likely be a video montage and that’s about it. Of course anything can change but that is where things are at now I am being told and it does not look likely to be different come 4/10.


LIVE tonight 6-10P ET on SiriusXM 39 TRUNKNation. George Lynch among the guests. Music and talk that rocks live tonight! Join me and get involved.

46 Responses

  1. Eddie,

    Never a big motley crue fan… More into the heavier artists. I gotta say, Mick Mars
    really caught my attention. What a down to earth person. His story moved me so much
    I bought some Too Fast For Love songs on iTunes. I can’t stop listening
    too Public Enemy #1, Merry Go Round, and the title track. You turned me
    onto something I never thought I would listen too. Long live Mick Mars!

  2. In regards to remastering, it seems most labels are content with raising the levels (brickwalling) which can really cause listening fatigue. Conversely, a lot of vinyl reissues are being released from the CD master.
    And I have a guess as to who will induct Kiss into the RRHOF–is it Garth Brooks?

  3. Shame about the Kiss thing, life’s too short. I love all the Kiss, including the solo records, up to and including The Elder, which was a huge risk and a great record, but since it bombed Paul and Gene would never go out on a limb like that again. Their 80s stuff was so over-engineered, it’s too shrill sounding and it always ends up giving me a headache. I can’t believe people think Creatures is so great; it is so badly engineered, drums way too loud, guitars too compressed and almost muffled; most of the songs on that are pretty mediocre. Crazy Nights, is actually their best record from that decade, it sounds like it was actually really worked on, some atrocious lyrics notwithstanding. Revenge is half a great record, Carnival of Souls has some great moments, but you can hear them second guessing themselves trying to be current. Psycho Circus, a completely wasted opportunity, after reclaiming their championship belt you would think they would get Eddie Kramer and go for something along the lines of side 4 on Alive II. Instead they get Bon Jovi’s producer, Paul and Gene decide to put all of their stuff that wasn’t good enough for Hot in the Shade and Carnival of Souls on it, and then they make sure that out of all the songs submitted by Ace, they pick the worst one. Then what they did to Peter with that ballad…it’s like they sabotaged the reunion on purpose, the first song is the only halfway decent song on the whole damn thing. Sonic Boom, the first two songs smoke, the rest sounds too much like New Country, if it isn’t just filler. Monster: great vibe, Gene plays some phenomenal bass on Monster, and “Freak” would’ve been a hit if they would’ve let a young band cover it. But for me, none of what they did after The Elder has the same quality and spirit. A song like “I,” that song is so ingenious, when has metal ever had such an infectious groove? That walking bass line, just incredible. OK, bring on the hail storm of flak, I can’t believe what people say on here. Yes that is my real name, and I am six feet, 230 pounds. I spent alot of my formative years in the ghetto of East Oakland and I am white…so I don’t scare easy, if at all. Thanks Kiss, I can’t say I could’ve made it without you.

  4. Kiss, seriously guys, enough is enough. Just do one song, sans makeup, then the current lineup go out and do your 40th anniversary tour. Youre acting childish and foolish. Do it for your fans and your history. No one expects a new reunion tour. Times are tough enough as it is for us regular folks out here. Whats the big deal? You are acting very detached from your fans. Do one song please. And Gene and Paul bury the hatchet with Eddie already. Do you have any clue how much he has supported you?? I know…theyre never going to read this LOL. Once my gramma sent an email to the president.

  5. Eddie-
    Thanks for having Tom Keifer on last Saturday’s show. He’s got so much vibe in his playing, and his latest release “The Way Life Goes” is beyond unbelievable–it’s got a 70’s era Aerosmith groove to it that is the best stuff I’ve heard in years!


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