Lots of stuff going on and many new appearances just added for a variety of things around the US. Please check the appearances on the home page for more info. Just added Pittsburgh with Don & Jim as well as Rock On The Range where we will do a That Metal Show style performance. This will happen in the comedy tent on the Saturday. Exact time that day TBA. We will have guests performing that day joining us. Should be fun! Please note NO appearances are TV tapings. When we have a new TMS home I’ll let you know. Hope you can come see me/us and keep an eye on the dates on the home page for changes, additions, etc. Thanks.

New podcast this Thursday will be with Joe Elliott. This is the complete version of the interview that aired recently on some radio outlets. Free as usual on www.podcastone.com and Itunes. Upcoming guests on the podcast include producer Max Norman, Todd Kerns, Bob Kulick, John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess. New every Thursday!

Headed to Vegas tomorrow for the week. I’m attending a radio convention and also plan to catch some great shows including Sabbath/Rival Sons, Michael Monroe and Anthrax’LOG.

More updates here when I can. Follow on Twitter @EddieTrunk for up to the second info.

7 Responses

  1. Eddie,
    Was able to catch a few minutes of the show last night. Your thoughts on the decline of music are so spot on. I’m only a few years younger than you, so we grew up in the same era, experiencing the same highs and lows.

    Here’s one thing I don’t get. If streaming services are SO destructive to the business model for musicians, WHY are they all participating in it? Adele held her latest album back for a week or so from streaming services and sold 3M albums! Here’s a great piece I read the other day about how badly musicians and songwriters are being screwed by streaming services: http://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/will-streaming-music-kill-songwriting?intcid=mod-most-popular&mbid=social_twitter

    Is it a simple fact of the bands not being in control at all? Otherwise, I can’t fathom why anyone would agree to let Spotify or whatever play their music. I know exposure is king, but not when you’re getting screwed! What blows my mind, is I hear callers on your show saying that this is how they get their music now!! So, even our fellow fans are contributing to this problem. I’m old school like you and buy 99% of new releases on CD. The rest I’ll pay full price on iTunes (if it’s a band I’m unsure of or haven’t heard of before), so at least they’re getting what they’re supposed to. And I go to dozens of shows per YEAR. I can’t possibly do more for the bands I love. I listen to music ALL DAY LONG at work and in my car. I can’t listen to music ENOUGH to satisfy me. I’m also exposing my kids to as much music as possible. My 7-year-old son LOVES Megadeth, Accept and AC/DC. I’m taking him to see Joe Satriani in March. His first real concert.

    We all laughed at Lars when he warned us of the evils of Napster and illegal music downloading. How right he was. And this cultural belief that all music should be free sickens me. I don’t know what the answer is, either. Ideally, all musicians should just go on strike for a couple of years to show the world what life will be like if this continues. Won’t happen, but it should.

    1. I don’t see the big deal for streaming I listen to music stored on my iPhone don’t stream anything unless I’m at home using my wifi at home and even there in certIn areas cable providers put cap on amount of data use and charge more for overages I’m same Age. As Eddie and use to buy a lot on iTunes case it was cheaper now I buy CDs I miss the physicality of it now I get Lars and what he was saying i deleted all my iilegl downloads and bought them legitemently
      I am eclectic when it comes to music but the perry Beibers and Adeles I just can’t get into.

  2. While I’m ranting, why do so many people still consider Def Leppard rock? They’ve been a pop band for almost 30 years now, but are still always lumped in with rock/metal. Yet, the rock press covers them like nothing ever changed.

    1. I think they are a rock, and at times hard rock band. Wouldn’t go as far as pop, but their music always had those elements. High N Dry the closest to metal they came

    2. U can say that back in the day they crossed to pop along with Poison and Warrant and other Glam bands

  3. Speaking of podcasts, I see that Podcast One is now requiring that you pay to be a premium member to access the full archives of Eddie’s podcasts. I guess I will have to grab the new one each week from now on.

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