Hey everyone, welcome back to my website! Ever since we relaunched this site early January we had some major issues with traffic and the server we launched it on. As a result it made it very hard to bring you content updates and for many difficult to even see the site. Many times it didn’t load at all. This was all extrenely frustrating as you could imagine! But we have now moved to a new hosting platform and are pretty sure all issues are now resolved. So you will start to see a bunch of new stuff soon (like this post from me) as well as news, video, audio and more. Also for the Members of the site content and access is being restored and we will soon open up the site to new members as well. As you all know I am far from a web genius, but I’m pretty sure we should be up and running and better than ever going forward. Thank you all for your support and patience and much more coming from me in this space very soon. Welcome back!

4 Responses

  1. Eddietrunk.com doesn’t appear when it is Googled. The new web page has trouble formatting on the iPhone. I am a big fan of all your endeavors and hope these problems can all be resolved. Thank you

    1. In time all will be resolved. Need to bring the site back slowly. Google was one of the problems that gave us the issues. All in time, thanks

  2. Great news Eddie! Always gonna be some growing pains but it will all pay off in the end. Looking forward to to becoming a member so I can listen to the Eddie Trunk Rocks shows on demand. I try to listen to the show on WAAF but there always seems to be something going on Sunday nights to interrupt me!

    Best of Luck Trunk!

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