Really crazy schedule trying to get caught up with things from being away the past week with the Dee Snider roast, NAMM, the radio show Monday, and a shoot for VH1 Classic yesterday for an upcoming Guns N Roses special concert/video special. Details on when that will air coming, sometime in March. NAMM was overwhelming. If you heard my radio show Monday you know we covered much of it. So hard to even begin to cover everything here. Some exclusive video interviews from NAMM will be posted here soon. Also we have reactivated the members side. Thanks to all members for bearing with us through the new site change. We will be accepting new members with information to come soon.


Getting a kick out of some of the comments now available here on the site under our various posts. I welcome all comments agree or disagree, but please do not post requests for TMS guests. It serves no purpose. As I have stated many times we have a process of guests based on who is available, who we want, and of course if the ARTIST THEMSELVES want to do the show. Everything else is welcome as long as posted respectfully.


I’ll be back live on the Q104 show this Friday with Tom Keifer as my guest. 11P-2A ET Q104.3 FM or online via the free iheartradio app.


Much more to share with you guys and more stuff coming to the site in time. We shoot more TMS end of April, details TBA.


Coming in March look forward to the Monsters Of Rock Cruise (which is sold out!) and appearing at my first ever R&R Fantasy Camp in Vegas!

21 Responses

  1. Any chance of getting any new shows any time soon. Also, we never did get to hear the year end show. That 1/7/13 show was awesome, but I can only listen to it so many times.

  2. We all may not agree with Eddie or his opinions but there is no need to call him names or be rude to him. He does a lot for metal and hard rock. You don’t see any other non musicians waving the flag for our music as much as him. Plus you got to think, he probably gets hundreds of email’s a day about how to get tickets, how to get someone’s favorite musician on TMS, etc. If you don’t like TMS or who is on it then watch another metal/hard rock show….wait there isn’t any. Much love and thanks for praising metal and the rawk! Eddie, do your thing fellow metal head!

  3. Eddie, just wanted to say thanks for helping keep Metal and Rock alive, as for you fans who want to bash Eddie, pull your lower lip over your head and swallow, man some of you guys think it makes you look cool to come on here and be brave would you say that to his face? I highly doubt it, they do a great job with the guests they get on the show, I can see his frustration after reading Hey bring this guest on and what not, sometimes it’s not in the stars, I suggest you do what I do buy tickets to a concert to see them support them and ROCK and METAL, it’s you who are being the jerk-offs that come on here and bash him. Keep Rockin Eddie

  4. I don’t know why there are all of these idiots are acting like seven year old kids jumping on the chance to insult you, but I watch your show on VH1C and I listen to your radio show from time to time. You’re doing just fine and you seem like a cool person. These immature assholes just need to grow up. Keep it up, and stay heavy and hard. Peace.

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