Thanks to Richie Kotzen and Rob Halford for being guests last night on my SiriusXM show. Richie is now on a solo tour of the US after returning from Europe. I’ll be hosting his show at BBs in NYC tomorrow night. If you only know Richie from The Winery Dogs he has a HUGE catalog of solo music that includes his early Shrapnel shred stuff, many solo albums that have many styles of music, and even some one off band stuff. His set now is played with a trio and is mostly his last few albums which are among my favorites. The guy is a pretty mind blowing all around talent and you should check him out solo if you have the chance.

Halford was very pumped about the current Priest tour and it was good to speak with him about a bunch of stuff. It sounds like Priest is far from done and he said they have already written a few things on the road for another possible album. This interview will also be included in my FM/syndicated show in less than 2 weeks and available for AA members of this site. Great to speak with Rob after finally seeing the Priest show and see and hear him sounding and feeling so well. He did go through a tough time with some surgeries. This is one of the all time greats on stage and as a total class person off. Honored to have him as a friend and supporter (he wrote the forward for my first book and it was Rob’s idea for Priest to play a free private show in honor of the 25th anniversary of my radio show. Still one of the great highlights of my life!).

This weeks new Eddie Trunk Podcast is with Adrian Vandenberg. So many ask whatever happened to him, find out this Thursday when my newest episode posts. All new episodes every Thursday free worldwide on Itunes or at www.podcastone.com

You can order with of my books signed and personalized direct from me. Perfect for a holiday gift. Hit “Books” under Media tab on this site. Unsigned copies available anywhere books are sold. The merch store on the site has shirts and more for your holiday shopping as well.

Just added an appearance in Austin TX at The DIrty Dog. Also I’ll be hosting a benefit for Karl Cochran with Joe Lynn Turner and many more Thanksgiving Eve at Dingbatz in Clifton NJ. Come and support and hang out with us to help Karl recovering from a stroke. Thanks to Fred at Dingbatz for donating his great club for this event.

33 Responses

  1. Steel Panther is awesome, and their guitarist was in Fight. IMHO, they blew JP away. Rob sounded good, but wasn’t pushing it with hard songs, and definitely had electronic help.

    And it was very sad to see how Glenn has really just lost it. He’s an older guy, and I completely understand, but if he can barely play the Turbo solo, then Priest is done for me. Their song selection was totally underwhelming. No Electric Eye!!! No Painkiller, because they just can’t do it. But no Nightcrawler, which is a very easy song. They played a bunch of throwaways off their new double album (really DOUBLE album?) this late in their career? And then closed with a song they had never played live before, because it just wasn’t poplular.

    I would have felt cheated out of my money had Steel Panther not been the opener.


    1. What show did you see?? Rob wasn’t pushing it hard on the songs? Did you miss Devil’s Child? That was probably the most revved up Halford has been on stage in 15 years. Beyond the Realms of Death? Sinner? C’mon, Jason. You’re delusional.

    2. You’re insane. Steel Panther is a comedy act and Glenn Tipton has lost nothing. The man is still great.Sounds like you are mad cause they didn’t play all your faves. Priest realized early on the mistake they made with this bullshit opening act. Steel S–t

  2. “I’m ready to go. I’m ready to make that next Judas Priest album.”
    -Rob Halford

    Eddie, I just finished listening to the interview and that gives me chills. I SO hope it happens. I truly do. It’s really exciting to hear Rob say that. He’s clearly energized by what Richie brings to the table. The “kid” is still recording riffs on his phone every night backstage. And Rob is feeding off of it.

    As I’ve said repeatedly, my major concern is Glenn. He’s clearly struggling with his playing and I would be shocked if he did anything with the band after this tour. But…. Priest isn’t really Priest without him. It would be hard to accept for me. Hopefully it’s just something he’s going through (like Rob’s health issues) and he can bounce back.

    One last thing, Eddie. The other area show was at Foxwoods in CT (I went to all 3 shows). You have NO idea how great that show was for BOTH bands. The energy and crowd reaction was intense (Steel Panther is much loved in CT).

    I was also 7 rows back from the stage at Izod, and yeah, Rob was SUPER pumped, especially after some of his mighty screams. I vividly remember one scream where he went “F*CK!” right after. He was so intense and thrilled with the energy that was coming across.

    Thanks again for having him on again. I’ve been a Priest fan since 82 when I was 10 and wish I could shake the man’s hand just to say thank you.

    1. Mr DC, You are extremely delusional sir. On an earlier commentary you claim this garage band Steel something blew Priest away. Now you tell us Priest put on the greatest show of all time, except for Tipton. Tipton has been in top form the entire tour. You are obviously the guy that keeps changing his name and insulting everybody. Please follow Steel something back to LA and watch their garage act at the Whisky every Monday nite. Get back to us when you figure out your name.

    2. First, spend time on here and you’ll see that I have used the same nickname all the time. Dana can back me up on this. (funny how you are posting using yet ANOTHER name.)

      I NEVER said SP blew Priest away. You’re confusing me with someone else or making stuff up.

      Glenn has NOT been in top form AT ALL this tour. His playing has been slow and sloppy. Look on other bulletin boards (like the Hamer guitar forum and you’ll find many fans noticing this). In Brooklyn, he started his Hell Bent solo several seconds too early. His soloing on Beyond the Realms of Death isn’t what it used to be. His right (picking) hand is visibly shaking. The rest of his solos are also fairly sloppy. Glenn has always been my guitar hero and I study his playing every chance I get. Done that for 30 years. I know what he’s done and what he can no longer do. It’s sad, but it’s a fact.

      Good luck to you, whoever you are. I’m done with you.

  3. Anyone who plays guitar, and can understand the technical prowess guitar greats have can EASILY tell that Glenn just ain’t doin it anymore. It’s sad. It sucks. I’ve seen Glenn and KK kick serious ass playing Painkiller live.

    He didn’t really even do his signature rocking to and fro move. I get it. I saw him on his 66th or 67th birthday, I’ve seen both ages listed for him. Few musicians can keep it up at that age. And Glenn outlasted pretty much everybody, and was even used as an example of how Metallica could keep it going into their 60s. Glenn was a true guitar hero. Not really a virtuoso, but an awesome player. He isn’t anymore. It’s going to be rough this next 10 years to see others go the same way. I’ll probably need to take a day off work when James Hetfield says he’s hangin’ it up. But, it’s just a fact of life. They have the young gun who CAN play everything, but I didn’t get much groove from him.

    By saying Glenn is in top for now, you are showing your ignorance to what “top form” is, or you are simply lying and refusing to accept the truth. Glenn’s guitar was WAAAAY down in the mix, probably half the volume of the new guy, and as I said earlier, half way through the Turbo solo, his guitar just disappeared, as did the solo.

    And there is no doubt in my mind Rob is using autotune and sustain on his vocals. Heck, I’ve always thought Michael Star, of Steel Panther, also has a canned scream that Stix triggers, as he hits all the same notes Rob did.

    Rob Halford will always be the Metal God. He has carried the flag for metal, stood for what he believed in, and earned all the respect in the world. Judas Priest have some awesome songs that I’ll listen to for the rest of my life.

    But, I won’t pay to see them anymore, and suggest that anyone who isn’t also a Steel Panther fan, think twice, and study the set list, before paying to go see this tour.


    1. Jason, you are right about the mix! I forgot about that. You could barely hear Glenn the entire show.

      I was away at college (with no car or money) back in 1990, so it killed me I never got to see that tour first-hand. I have about 50 bootlegs of that tour from around the world. Watching and hearing Glenn play All Guns is one of the greatest moments in metal. He could never do that today. 🙁

      I am unsure about Rob’s vocals. I *think* we would hear the auto-tune. I recall about ten years ago, he was REALLY struggling with his voice, blowing it out trying to overcome the volume on stage. You could hear it on many bootlegs. Someone finally turned him onto ear monitors and it was like he was re-born.

      I understand why you wouldn’t pay to see them again. I don’t feel the same way and would go to 10 more shows if I could. I know the end is near and would take in as much as I can. I don’t want to regret missing them no matter what. I agree, the setlist isn’t perfect. It never has been. I’ve complained about it since I can remember. But…they ARE my all-time favorite band and I still support them to the end.

      BTW, you might be slightly right about SP. They *do* use backing tracks to fill out the sound. I didn’t see any evidence of recorded screams, though. I was 7 rows back at Izod and I always look for any sort of lip synching when I’m that close to a band. I didn’t see it. I’ve seen them live twice before in CT and never noticed anything out of the ordinary.

      Enjoy your wknd, Jason!

    2. Thanks, man. you too.

      I’ve seen SP about 10 times, including on the Sunset Strip. I’m not sure if Michael does it or not, but he does do that one scream, same note, a lot. But, regardless, the guy has SERIOUS pipes. That band is so talented. Yeah, they aren’t for everyone, especially a lot of women, like my wife. But if you “get” them, you realize how amazing they are.


    3. The band are great players and Michael (AKA Ralph) does have a strong voice. They do appear to have a little electronic help with some vocals as many bands do these days. Because they are talented I would love to hear them make an album that isn’t the shtick comedy act. Bet they could make a good one. But the act to me is not funny and I look forward to what these musicians do if the day comes they drop it and do a regular band. Good guys, good players, but the act doesn’t work for me personally.

  4. Eddie,
    We just saw Priest last night in Dallas. What an amazing show. I swear I have never gotten goose bumps before at a Priest show, but last night something special happened, ROB HALFORD SANG INCREDIBLY AMAZING!! His performance just blew me away, especially his vocals on Devils Child!!! I played an old live version of that song on my ipod on the way to the venue and said to my wife Donna “don’t you wish Rob could still sing like that?”, when he sang Devils child she and I looked at each other and our jaws hit the floor!
    The band as a whole was just out of this world amazing. I could not have felt more proud of them as I did last night. Richie is an amazing addition to the mighty Priest, Glen still rocks that guitar, Ian still pounds that bass and Scott pounds the skins harder then ever. You could tell by the reaction of the crowd that the might Priest just blew our minds!
    At the end of the show nobody wanted to leave, the guys from the band seemed very surprised by the crowds response, everyone chanted Priest, Priest, Priest for at least 10 mins straight. Rob even came back out onto the stage to thank us for the love we were showing the band. It was night that will not soon be forgotten.


    1. I think one of the biggest highlights of the tour is Rob’s energy on Devil’s Child. Honestly, when have we seen him THAT intense and so into a song on stage before since 1990? It’s totally unexpected. But exciting as hell to experience. It proves to everyone TMG STILL has it.

    2. DC, Rob was electronically enhanced. The man was obviously into it but had help. Glenn did a fabulous job at the 5 shows I have seen. You keep raving about Halfords Devils Child effort, under all your names. If u think that was all Rob, you need to wake up DC, I mean Jason, or is it Brian? Anyway, get off Glenn foolio and smell the coffee with Robby. Take care Freddie, lol

    3. DC, for once I agree with you. The energy TMG brought to that song just blew my mind! And Frank, Who gives a shit if it was enhanced or not? I don’t? The man sung his heart out on that song and all the others as well. He was amazing and I feel blessed to have been able to see him, for probably the last time ever.

    4. My only complaint of the night was the opening act. I think they are talented for sure, but not the kind of band I wanted my son to see open for the mighty Judas Priest. My wife was shocked at the language they used. This was not a smart move on Judas Priest part to have them open if you ask me, and I think it hurt ticket sales. The last time they played Dallas they played the same venue, and it was sold out, do you think it had something to do with the fact that Black Label Society and Thin Lizzy opened up for them? I do!
      Why would priest not want to sell out their shows? I really think the Panthers hurt them, not helped them.

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