Thanks to all who came to my signing last night at Book Soup in LA. I was able to finish the signing and catch most of The Winery Dogs set in the valley (they just get better!), then finished off the night with a drink at The Rainbow with some friends. Was good to be back in LA even though it was only 24 hours.

About to fly to Vegas now. Tonight should be a huge signing since it happens just before Mötley Crüe plays The Joint in the Hard Rock Casino! Starting at 6 I will be in Vinyl, the theater right next to the Joint. So if going to Mötley come hang pre show! It is free and no ticket is needed! My books will be signed and sold and i’ll start with a Q&A at 6P. Mötley goes on at 9, and if your seeing The Winery Dogs at Vamp’d tonight they are on at 11. So plenty of time to do it all in Vegas tonight! I look forward to seeing Mötley tomorrow night. Hope to see you in Vegas inside Vinyl inside Hard Rock Casino tonight 6-8 for the final stop of the first leg of the book tour for VOL 2!

4 Responses

  1. The fact that it takes days some times to get a comment approved for posting in this site is really lame. And this isn’t hating on you Eddie, but isn’t this site worth a full time administrator? Or are you having to do it?

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