KISS frontman Paul Stanley has ruled out the possibility of the band recording another studio album before they bring the curtain down on their career.

KISS announced they would head out on the End Of The Road farewell tour last month, saying they would “go out the same way we came in… unapologetic and unstoppable.”

Speaking at the Rock And Roll Fantasy Camp, Stanley was asked by radio host Miles Schuman if fans could expect any new material, from the band, before they hang it up.

Stanley replied, “No. I don’t think so. It’s a different time now. I could write Let It Be and people would still say, ‘That’s great. Now play Detroit Rock City.’

I understand it because when songs have a history with you, they’re like a snapshot of a time in your life – and that’s not something that anything can take the place of overnight.

It’s interesting that I think Modern Day Delilah or Hell Or Hallelujah are as good as anything we did, but I understand that people are more connected to those old classic songs.”

Stanley added, “If you put on a live video concert of any band – if you put on Paul McCartney or the Rolling Stones – and you turn off the volume, I will tell you every time they’re playing a new song, because the audience sits down.

When any classic act turns out new material, people tolerate it. They’re asking you to do it and they’re asking you to produce it, but at the same time, they really don’t want it.

At some point I go, ‘What’s the point?’ Unless it’s something that’s fulfilling for me to go back in the studio just to record new Kiss material, I think everything we’ve done so far speaks volumes and it’s enough of a legacy.”

Watch the interview below.

additional source: Classic Rock via loudersound.com

19 Responses

  1. Give the fans what they want one last time, I agree with him. They need to include Ace and Peter. They also need to include Bruce Kulick. I’ve hated them for requiring Tommy and Eric to be in Ace and Peter’s character makeup. I have not seen them live since Ace left for the second time. Paul can’t sing like he once did, that’s well known. Paul also made a Folgers coffee commercial that made me nearly die laughing from. But none of the bad stuff really matters as much right now. What matters is a band I’ve loved since age 10, thanks to my older cousins, is ending. A band whose music means something to me. A band whose music inspired me and whose classic albums continue to inspire me. A guitarist (Ace) who made me want to be a guitarist. I’m letting all the B.S. go. I’ll go see them one last time, providing they do the right thing and include Ace, Peter and Bruce in some degree on the tour.

    Paul and Gene: do the right thing. Put this beast to bed with style!

    1. Amen, James! Funny you mentioned Paul’s Folgers commercial, I’m on my 2nd cup of Keurig Folgers Classic Roast! 😉 Cheers!

    1. Oh, thank you, James,

      No wonder I had no recollection of it, because I don’t think I would have ever forgotten that commercial.

      D 🙂

  2. Oh Yeah, and before I forget, (been doing that a lot lately)
    Happy 71st birthday to the Red Rocker Sammy Hagar! Mas Tequila, Sammy! And, Shaka Doobie! 😉
    Hey, James, have you tried my Red Rocket Ride? (Sammy’s Beach Bar Rum, and KISS’s Rock And Roll Over Cherry Kola, on the rocks!) It’s a blast, bro, trust me! 😉 Cheers!!

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