Former KISS guitarist Vinnie Vincent says that his Vinnie Vincent Invasion album Judgment Day (Guitarmageddon Pt. I) could finally arrive before the end of the year.

According to, he made the comment after holding a listening party for Judgment Day (Guitarmageddon Pt. I) on May 19th and May 20th at Starstruck Entertainment Studio in Nashville, Tennessee. Fans who paid $500 got to hear Judgment Day — which features vocals by Robert Fleischman, who also sang on Vinnie Vincent Invasion’s self-titled 1986 debut — and take part in a jam with Vincent. Vinnie also introduced his new singer, Scott Board, with whom he performed at the Nashville event.

In a social media post,Vinnie wrote: “Man, that was a happy proud moment for me. Three years in the making..with blistering performances by my friend Rob Fleishman and yours truly. It felt like VVI #1 all over again. Its not a record for the 50 year old crowd tho… unless you’re 25 at heart. Lol.”

“There’s one more studio tweak session I need to complete in raising the vocal levels a bit on all the songs and then off to the record plant to press,” he added. “Expect 6 months at least for vinyl production. But my moment of happiness was jammin it out with my new singer Scott Board in our first studio shredd performance on some of my favorite songs.”

See a facebook post from Scott Board, here.

4 Responses

  1. Is no one else intrigued to hear this? Outtakes/ leftovers from the V.V.I. days or has he actually written new music? It could be an absolute trainwreck, but I want to hear it either way.

  2. Well crazy Vinnie (or is it Vicky now) left this dude hanging just like that in the blink of an eye. Why anyone would risk getting involved with this clown is beyond me at this point considering its history. Let’s be real here folks. Vinnie Vincent had 15 minutes of fame during the Creature’s/Lick It Up era. He helped write some memorable tracks during that time but it didn’t work out. Vinnie went on to record a couple Invasion albums that had a few decent tunes with most of it being filled with obnoxious, tasteless guitar solos that were nearly unlistenable! Then he co-wrote a couple songs on Revenge which were good but not legendary like Stairway To Heaven or War Pigs. I’m not sure what the draw is for people with this person but to each their own.

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