UFO frontman Phil Mogg has announced his retirement from the band. Mogg, the band’s only ever-present member, will leave after UFO finish a 50th anniversary tour next year.

In a statement on the band’s website, Mogg says, “This decision has been a long time coming, I’ve considered stepping down at the end of UFO’s previous two tours. I don’t want to call this a farewell tour as I hate that word, but next year’s gigs will represent my final tap-dancing appearances with the band.”

“2019 marks UFO’s 50th anniversary, so the timing feels right. There will be a final tour of the UK and we will also play some shows in selected other cities that the band has a strong connection with. But outside of the UK this won’t be a long tour. Being out on the road isn’t always tremendously luxurious and although the playing is as great as it ever was, the stuff that surrounds it becomes very tiresome. I always told myself that when I reached that stage I would step down, and that’s what I’m going to do. This is the right time for me to quit.”

Mogg has also hinted that the band might be able to continue without him, saying, “I’ve told the guys that this is how it is. They know it’s my time to go and they know that they can do whatever they want to do without me, but I don’t want to play live or make records anymore, though having said that I might go on and do an album of my own. I’ll have to see how I feel about that.

Maybe the best word to use is ‘bittersweet’. But my time has arrived and all that remains is to make sure that we have a good tour.”

Details of the band’s farewell tour have yet to be announced.

source: Classic Rock via loudersound.com

4 Responses

  1. I first became aware of UFO in 74 or 75, i was a Young kid and an older kid in my neighborhood had a party i found my way to-and they were playing at the party I loved them right away – i bought all their albums saw a few shows that came through my city – thought Michael Schenker was the greatest guitarist i ever heard, and Phils voice was also instantly identifiable and was perfect for their music- i st0pped listening after Schenker left , and now phil has decided to go – you get to a certain age 65 + and it becomes too physically demanding to really get any enjoyment out of it – very sad -but the music will always be there-

  2. So way back in ’79, in high school, I know, old guy typing, was at an outdoor festival concert in Denver. The old Mile High Stadium. If I recall correctly, the bill was The Rockets, The Cars, UFO, Heart and Ted Nugent, the headliner. Had not heard much about UFO up until then. When they played “Lights Out” and “Too Hot To Handle,” and I’m like, what, wait a minute who are these guys? Totally got my attention and I have been a fan ever since!! Cheers, Phil!

  3. I’ve been a huge fan of UFO since I was in junior high and my extremely cool cousin turned me on to them. Phil is UFO. He’s irreplaceable in the eyes of diehard UFO fans, but its cool that he’s giving the band his blessing to go on if they want to. UFO never received the recognition in America that they deserve and that’s just tragic. But those who love their music are rabid about it, me included. But I understand him wanting to retire from a hectic lifestyle and just enjoy his senior years. He’s earned the right to do that.

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