The new band featuring three of the members of the classic Dokken lineup (guitarist George Lynch, bassist Jeff Pilson and drummer Mick Brown) and singer Robert Mason (current Warrant and former Lynch Mob frontman) has gotten a new name, the band will be called, The End.

In a recent interview with Idaho’s 94.9 & 104.5 The Rock, George Lynch said (via “I do a lot of records where they’re just sort of seat-of-the-pants, which is nothing wrong with that, like KXM and Ultraphonix, [which are] written real quick — we just get in a room and bang it out and just go with our first instincts, and we don’t really labor over it. THE End record is really the opposite of that.”

“Jeff and I spent a lot of time crafting the songs, as we did in the Dokken days,” he continued. “I think there’s quite a bit of ’70s art rock going on in some of these songs, which is pretty cool. It’s got the usual groove, heavy rock thing, melodic rock thing, it’s got all that — but it’s also got that ’70s, ELO, Elton John [vibe] — just really interesting, intelligent, classic changes. It’s a very satisfying record to listen to — it’s pretty deep, and I think people will really dig it. It doesn’t sound like Dokken; it doesn’t sound like LP [Lynch/Pilson]; it doesn’t sound like Lynch Mob. It has elements of all that, obviously. I think it’s a natural evolution of the LP record that closely it resembles in my mind. It’s me and Jeff sitting at his studio working it out, so what you’re going to get is really that, with Robert Mason on top of it. God, that guy — what a monster…Robert’s been doing Lynch Mob shows this year with us — not all of them, but I’d forgotten how powerful he is. Unbelievable singer.”

The End, which was known in its formative stage as Super Stroke, will tentatively release its debut album in February 2019.

12 Responses

  1. This album could be good….we’ll wait and see. Lynch and Pilson together have rarely disappointed us if ever. However if this foursome were to tour…that would be where the magic lies. Pilson probably doesn’t have the time. But oh the possibilities…

  2. This is definitely something I will check out. It’s basically Dokken with a much better singer! It will interesting to hear what George, Jeff, and Mick will sound like without Don. Was Don Dokken the real creative force that made Dokken sound like they did back in the day? George is such a KILLER guitar player, Jeff is a great bass player and singer (as well as a talented songwriter), and Mick is a more than capable drummer. I’m not sure if Don wrote most of the Dokken stuff, or was it a band effort. I just hope this isn’t a one-off thing. George has SO MANY things he’s involved with, and Jeff has the whole FOREIGNER thing. Not sure where this will fit into everyone’s schedules.

    1. Tooth and Nail, arguably their best album is mostly George and Jeff on the credits.

      ‘It’s basically Dokken with a much better singer!’ – I don’t think it can be described any better than that.

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