Ted-Nugent400 Ted Nugent recently spoke to Radio.com. Blabbermouth.net transcribed highlights from the interview, read the excerpts below.

On Sebastian Bach:

“I love the guy, he’s incredibly gifted, a gentleman for the most part, but he’s weak. He’s weak. And he doesn’t understand the concept of the [body as a] Sacred Temple. He doesn’t understand accountability. He doesn’t understand — clearly — how his indulgences and his poisons ruin his life. And his relationships, and his marriage. And his musical capabilities. I love the guy and if he’s watching this, I love you, but when you’re the drunk Sebastian Bach, you’re nowhere near the Sebastian Bach that you are when you’re clean and sober. Case closed. That isn’t a Ted Nugent opinion, that’s scientific truism.”

On his drummer Mick Brown, who got a DUI a few years ago backstage at one of Ted’s shows:

“Well, he had a couple of beers and went on a golf cart ride! Whoa! Let’s crucify him! That’s no big deal! Even I can look the other way for that! I have zero tolerance for dangerous criminal behavior that compromises the music. It was the last date of the tour. He watched me get up on stage with Tommy Shaw and the STYX guys and we played a Damn Yankees masterpiece, Coming Of Age. I can understand how anybody could lose control of themselves under that musical jihad. It was a very powerful musical moment. It was very magical and I think he did a couple of extras, saw some good-looking chicks with short skirts… I don’t bemoan his decision. A golf cart and two pretty girls? It was harmless.”

On Tom Morello:

“Tom Morello claims to be an ultra-liberal. But let’s examine Tom Morello’s life, shall we? He works really hard. He gets up early. He puts his heart and soul into being the best craftsman he can be. Provides for and protects his family. He’s true to his family. So far, he sounds an awful lot like Ted Nugent. [My new album] SHUTUP&JAM, if it’s a shout-out to anybody, is probably a shout out to my good friend Tom Morello. Because we talk politics, and we should do it on film sometime, it’s quite telling. Because the typical liberal, when they attempt to debate me, always ends up with a very predictable statement: ‘Yeah, but still…’ If you give people stuff, dependence will be the result. If you give a beggar money, you’re helping to kill him! Because he will spend that money while you lie to yourself and feel good, you’ve actually expedited the death of that individual, because he will buy dangerous deadly things with that money! You gotta be kidding me! If he wants a sandwich, give him a sandwich! That’s not what he wants! My point being: Tom Morello, I love him dearly, I respect his musical genius, and I respect him as a man. And when it gets time to have a legitimate political debate, we remain civil and gentlemanly, and eventually we can both shut up and jam because we both come from the Chuck Berry school of uppity, spirited, freedom-drenched American rhythm and blues.”

Listen to Nugent’s interview with Radio.com below.

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73 Responses

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  • James K. on

    Mick got a dui for driving a golf cart after a couple of beers? What a hell raiser! I hope this doesn’t damage his career! (LOL!)

  • T on

    I wish Ted would keep music and politics separate.

  • Kyle Mac on

    Really Ted, Tom does NOT sound like you. Tom Morello is well spoken, intelligent, thoughtful, and does not resorate to immature name calling any time some one does not agree with him. Now, on your position of give someone a helping hand and they will kill themselves, veterans, the working poor, the elderly, single mothers, workers who have lost there jobs to over seas or downsizing , would disagree with you. Please Eddie, STOP printing every ignorant statement by Ted and Gene Simmons.

    • Dana on


      I am responsible for posting those stories, not Eddie.

      Dana from ET.com 🙂

    • Mike B on

      These topics make for good discussion. Its all good.

    • Frank Rizzo on

      Ted also doesn’t support those who depend on the government unnecessarily for food stamps, those who pop out six kids to six different men by the time they’re 22 years old who don’t work or even try to work and instead rely on food stamps, Medicaid, section 8 housing and cash assistance. Ted doesn’t cry racism if an unqualified “minority” gets hired for a job over a more qualified white person because “corporate” has to fill a diversity quota, Ted doesn’t hold straight white guy festivals, he doesn’t parallel the black panthers with a white based organization let’s say called the great white Buffalos, ted hasn’t opened an all white college and Ted has not started an all white dating service or tv channel. Ted also hasn’t scammed bs liberal groups like the ACLU, IRS or lbgt “community” like the IRS blatantly did to the almighty Tea Party and then lie about lost emails. Ted also didn’t lie about Bhengazi. But yet he’s a racist, bigot, alleged draft dodger and alleged child molester. Give me a break! Uncle Ted for President!

    • Kyle Mac on

      What is your position on government assistance? When some people take advantage of the system, you think we should just get rid of. With your logic, we should get rid of capitalism because people and corperations take advantage.

    • jerry on

      Thanks Rush……You people are just parrots. Same ole s–t…..!!!

    • Robbie on

      And he doesn’t make babies out of wedlock either

  • Bryan on

    Ted. Please shut up!! You are so full of yourself. Your such a uncaring person. You would let someone starve to death before you would lift a finger to help a person in need. Money is your God!! And your values on how to be American? Your a crazy person. Thank God, not everybody is like you.
    I will never forget (and I’ve always voted Republican until last election) in Kansas City on the Kiss Farewell tour how I stood in line for at least a half hour waiting to get a beer. As I stood there patiently waiting my turn I had to listen to you bark out horrible things about President Clinton and Janet Reno. As I recall you called Reno a Lesbian B!! I didn’t like Reno but you are so classless. You called Clinton several dirty names also. I mean dude you stopped playing music to stand up there for at least 20 min. Bashing Democrats. I remember thinking. Jesus Christ man I came here to watch and hear a great rock concert. I remember thinking also. Thank god Kiss doesn’t do this shit. And Kiss didn’t. They got up there and blew your ass away!!! So please just go into the woods and kill unarmed animals and eat the meat you kill. Your a lousy example of a do called conservative Republican. In short. “YOU SIR SUCK”

  • mark on

    How can a life long sober man who is known for sleeping with an underage woman (remember, please massa, Ted? 17? Legal guardian, Ted?) have any opinion on anything? You drove your first wife to her demise with your infidelities didn’t you? You lost your fortune and blamed that on bad management decisions by other people. The only time people ever see you do anything charitable is when there is a t.v. camera around. As far as your fans go , unless there”s money involved you never give any autographs, pictures or even time, unless it’s to do damage control for all the childish, nonsense you say and that you do. Your fans love your music and your shows but, what are you on that makes you act this way?(ego addiction)?

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