michaelsweet400 Stryper frontman Michael Sweet has responded to Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx’s comments slamming him because he questioned the authenticity of Motley Crue’s book, The Dirt, and Sixx’s tome, The Heroin Diaries.

Sweet posted on his Facebook page:

“I meant no disrespect to @NikkiSixx or @MotleyCrue and certainly not to addicts or recovering addicts. I was simply trying to convey the importance of not believing everything you hear (rumors) and giving my own opinion of some of the over-embellishments (in my opinion) that some autobiographies seem to portray. I’ve never even met Nikki before and I have nothing bad to say about him. I do believe that my words were taken out of context but then again, that happens to all of us from time to time. Here’s what I wrote in my book:

‘If you’ve picked up this book in hopes of reading stories about me hiding in a closet shooting up heroin, buying prostitutes with all my earnings or beating the crap out of a club owner because he looked at me funny, you should probably read the Motley Crue book instead, because you won’t find that here. I’m not better than they are, but my story is different. I’m not an angel, either, and I think you’ll find some pretty eye-opening stories, and I hope—whether you know my music or not—you’ll find them enlightening or at least entertaining.’

Michael Sweet’s autobiography, Honestly: My Life And Stryper Revealed and his new solo album, I’m Not Your Suicide, were released on May 6th.


MichaelSweet I'm Not Your 630

33 Responses

  1. Michael…….trade in the cup of brotherly love for a can of whoop-ass and tell Nikki to…..well…..that would not be a very Christian act. I know, take your bible and bitch slap Nikki.,,,,goodness, that is sacrilegious, I am sorry. Please pray for me. The devil took over my keyboard. I know….well….shoot. That’s not very Christian either. I know. Continue to take the high road and ignore Nikki’s comments. One last thing: You could tell Nikki to have a happy mother’s day….because he is acting like a little whiny bitch. Oh. There is that pesky devil again. I am sorry. Gotta scoot. Off to confession.

  2. Nikki onstage in Germany in ’15 at a big festival with MC: “Hi everybody”. Nikki onstage in Great Britain in ’15 at big festival with MC: “Hi everybody”. Nikki onstage at the Hard Rock in Vegas in ’15 with MC: “Hi everybody”. Hey Nikki, it ain’t over ever for the Crue.

    1. Yes, considering we had weeks of KISS’ war of words. Not to mention the slamming amongst the fans in the comments section.

      Here’s a tip Nick, and I am sorry if I sound a bit snippy, if you don’t like the story, skip it. Everyone’s a critic, sheesh-LOL!

      Dana from 🙂

  3. Nikki,if your ego gets any bigger you’re going to have to rent it its own separate tour bus for your upcoming run around the country with the Crüe and Alice. For a guy who claimed to be so bad assed back in the day,you sure do sit to pee anymore. Quit the whining at every perceived slight and drop the years old grudges. The toes you’re stepping on now could be attached to the foot that’ll be up your ass in 5 years. Life’s funny that way. You’ve been blessed with a life that 99% of us could only dream of. Enjoy it bro,because you aren’t getting any younger….

  4. Fuck Nikki. Michael is insanely more talented than that 1958 wearin mf. Crue has not put out a good album in decades. New album, “decades of shit.” Nikki, don’t try to rape me!!

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