michaelsweet400 Stryper frontman Michael Sweet has responded to Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx’s comments slamming him because he questioned the authenticity of Motley Crue’s book, The Dirt, and Sixx’s tome, The Heroin Diaries.

Sweet posted on his Facebook page:

“I meant no disrespect to @NikkiSixx or @MotleyCrue and certainly not to addicts or recovering addicts. I was simply trying to convey the importance of not believing everything you hear (rumors) and giving my own opinion of some of the over-embellishments (in my opinion) that some autobiographies seem to portray. I’ve never even met Nikki before and I have nothing bad to say about him. I do believe that my words were taken out of context but then again, that happens to all of us from time to time. Here’s what I wrote in my book:

‘If you’ve picked up this book in hopes of reading stories about me hiding in a closet shooting up heroin, buying prostitutes with all my earnings or beating the crap out of a club owner because he looked at me funny, you should probably read the Motley Crue book instead, because you won’t find that here. I’m not better than they are, but my story is different. I’m not an angel, either, and I think you’ll find some pretty eye-opening stories, and I hope—whether you know my music or not—you’ll find them enlightening or at least entertaining.’

Michael Sweet’s autobiography, Honestly: My Life And Stryper Revealed and his new solo album, I’m Not Your Suicide, were released on May 6th.


MichaelSweet I'm Not Your 630

33 Responses

  1. dana, nice analogy all i tried to do was give my opinion to a band i do follow and care about (met michael on the soldiers tour when they were getting death threats (his words) for people thinking that they were using ” christian rock” as a gimmick . as for dee snider, unless there”sa a.e. camera around “dee” is a dick. when widowmaker was starting ,i tried to get a quick picture with him ( by myself no one around) he brushed me off “i have to do my soundcheck” patiently, i waited and when i asked him again ” fine , lets get this over with” is what he replied. and just 2 days ago, i tried to met josh from buckcherry after unsucessfully trying to get a picture with him for twenty years i met keith and stevie and asked them to help me out they both asked him ( after the soundcheck no problem) he does one song looks at me5ft away and leaves. at the show they have a” meet the band if you buy, the cd( $15.00). after a vip meet and greet( $55.00) all the fans went backstage who bought the cd( just autographes no pictures???? meeting a band a being lucky enough to get a picture is a once in a lifetime experience and i know you need to make money but, come on we “ve been support your bands for decades how much money do you need from us???????

    1. Mark, were you wearing your Stryper t-shirt when you asked for the photo with Dee? Also, how old are you?

  2. Mark,
    lemme break it down for you. Personal appearances is part of the bread and butter these days. $150.00 for VIP meet & greets is the going price. I’ve seen some that are a lot higher. I think it costs somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 grand to have dinner with Brad Pitt. It’s what folks are willing to pay. You are paying for a personal audience with these folks. Put it this way,in 1999 and 2000 I paid to go to BOTH Stryper Expos. It did not include travel expenses to NY or LA(I live in the midwest),or the expo merch that I bought. I was glad to pay it because the guys in Stryper were/are huge musical influences and personal heros. I’ve got pics of me and Oz and Tim. They also signed my Telecaster(which I later had to sell).
    Have you ever played in a band ? Even on the level of a local band,if you start to develop a decent following sooner or later everyone wants a piece of your time. Your wife/girlfriend wants you to call before a gig, your monitors sound like shit, your merch guy is stuck in traffic, the roadie forgot to bring batteries for the tuner….and on and on and on. Now multiply that by the factor of huge that Dee,or the guys from Buckcherry,or anybody else that is still performing at a high level with multitudes of fans and the day to day stresses of being in a popular band. Get what I’m telling you ? They have thousands of guys like you that just want to get a pic,talk for a couple of minutes. While I know that they appreciate the fans,they also have a job to do of putting on a show that the fans expect to see. Now,that’s a lot of stress on anybody !

  3. gene simmons, who only deals with drugs addicts who can make him money?( kiss/motley ? kiss/aerosmith?i watched him in a mall refusing to meet his fans while walking around with his ” don”t bother me unless your giving money look on his face .i have no problem with bands trying to make their money but, who gave you this chance in the first place????( let alone 20, 30 , years later?)if meeting your fans and taking a , picture, signing a autograph is so difficult why have meet and greets? why do club or casino shows where fans do have the wild chance of running you????gene you always SAY”I WORK FOR THE FANS( THEN WHY WOULD YOU WALK BY THEM WHILE SAYING “YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT BUT, I”M NOT STOPPING) HEY, GENE YOU WOULD”NT BE IN THE ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME,OR RIPPING OFF YOUR FANS WITH YOUR KISS COVER BAND WITHOUT THE DRUG ADDICTS OR ALCOHOLICS OVER THE YEARS. WHY CAN YOU REMEMBER YOUR STORIES CORRECTLY????????

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