As reported earlier, singer Chris Cornell passed away yesterday. There were questions raised as to whether the death was a possible suicide, as the vocalist was found with with a band around his neck.

Unfortunately, a new report by the Associated Press, reveals that to be the case. The medical examiner determined that singer did die as a result of suicide by hanging.

Cornell played his final, sold-out performance with band Soundgarden on Wednesday night in Detroit. He reportedly ended the set by singing a cover of Led Zeppelin’s In My Time of Dying which include the lyrics, “In my time of dying, I want nobody to mourn/All I want for you to do is take my body home.”

Cornell leaves behind a wife and three children. He had one child, Lillian Jean, in 2000, with his first wife Soundgarden manager Susan Silver. They divorced in 2004, and then in the same year, he married Vicky Karayiannis. Together, they had two children, a daughter in 2004, and a son in 2005. In the philanthropic realm, the couple co-founded the Chris and Vicky Cornell Foundation to support homeless, abused and impoverished children.

additional sources: and

18 Responses

  1. The man was immensely talented, no doubt. But, to do this when you have three kids, and two of them very young, is just cowardly! I have no experience with depression, which I am sure had a big impact on his decision to end is life. But, as a parent myself, I cannot imagine being at such a low point as to want to end my life, knowing how devastating this would be to my children! When you decide to become a parent, you give up the right to your life being all about you! If he was clinically depressed, there is help out there! He had the resources to find that help, so there is no excuse for doing what he did to his children. It was an act of cowardice, pure and simple. I always felt the same way about what Kurt Cobain did, as well. I know I will take a lot of abuse about this from some folks, but this is the way I feel.

    1. With all due respect Keith, you’re trying to rationalize an irrational act. As a Dad I totally hear you and and can’t imagine doing that to my kids. But if you become suicidal in nature and thus irrational, I would think it’s hard to starting thinking rationally about your children.

  2. To some of the commenters who are saying things like “there is no excuse for doing what he did to his children,” you’re right. His final act has devastated his kids and wife forever. However – and I’m not justifying his action – keep in mind that he also was being prescribed Atavan for his anxiety. One of its side effects is suicidal thoughts. So it’s not quite as cut and dry as “oh, he was so selfish.” It’s again an issue of prescription drugs, the possible over-prescription, etc. We’re all commenting about a person who is a total stranger to us. We only know his music. So let’s just appreciate and remember his talents, and leave the judgements out.

  3. On one hand it’s sad that he couldn’t reach out for help cause he would have gotten it from everyone. On the other hand it’s selfish to leave his wife and children behind to suffer through the loss.

  4. sadly more details are now coming out that a prescription drug Ativan could have contributed to his death , making it accidental ?? this is just so sad –

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