brucedickinson400 Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson, never one to censor himself, has reportedly taken a couple of potshots at Metallica and Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford.

According to Loudwire, the singer recently chastised Halford for apparently using a teleprompter to help him remember lyrics during live shows. “People pay good money and you can’t even remember the sodding words,” exclaims Dickinson. “The daftest one I ever saw was Breaking the Law.”

Also, back in 2011 Dickinson told Metal Hammer that Iron Maiden were a much better band than Metallica.

“I got into trouble for saying that we’re better than Metallica … and, it’s true!” Dickinson added, “They might be bigger than us and they might sell more tickets than us and they might get more gold-plated middle-class bourgeoisie turning up to their shows but they’re not Maiden. I did say it’s a bit of a wind-up. I thought, if I’m going to turn into an a–hole, I might as well, you know, go for it!”

In a new interview with the Guardian, Dickinson’s comments were brought up to Metallica’s Lars Ulrich, who offered a humble response. “I will never argue with that,” says Ulrich. “I will always support Bruce Dickinson in whatever nonsense he says. That’s part of the fun. So go Iron Maiden! It’s fine.”

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153 Responses

  1. Everybody just needs to remember one thing about this article: Opinions are like assholes, and everybody has got one!! In my humble opinion, Iron Maiden IS a better band than Metallica. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, and I am sure that Bruce doesn’t either. But he has a right to his opinion. As far as his shot at The Metal God is concerned, let’s see if he remembers all of the lyrics to his songs when he gets as old as Rob! How about we all just get along?

  2. Well, I saw Maiden last summer in St.Louis and they sucked. They were boring, plain and simple. One of the worst shows I’ve seen in years. I’d rather go thru dental surgery than stand there for two long hours watching Maiden “jam”. Btw almost every artist on the circuit uses a prompter even if its just for the setlist. I saw Priest and there were no issues at all, plus, watch the dvd yourself and see how great they are. Hey Bruce why dont you do what you do best, steal more tiny packets of peanuts off the next flight your piloting, you blow hard and while you’re at it charter a plane over the Bermuda Triangle. Oh, and for all you trolls this is just my OPINION , LOL

  3. I dont know if Bruce is just trying to intentionally stir up controversy to keep the focus on Maiden or he really means what he says. I would think there would be mutual respect toward his fellow colleague And Maiden is enormously popular overseas. I’m not sure about Metallica trumping Maiden in the popular category.

    1. Agreed…Maiden is bigger internationally and although I still think Metallica are great live, they have become too mainstream and full of themselves…But Bruce needs to take a chill pill here…Why be so disrespectful to Halford or anyone, who cares…Bruce needs to shutup and let his performance do the talking, not his mouth…

  4. Iron Maiden is a much better band than Metallica. Bruce is a better singer than most others could ever dream of being. As for Halford, come on. A LOT of singers use teleprompters.

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