scorpions640 Scorpions drummer James Kottak has released the following statement regarding his arrest and jail sentence in Dubai this past April.

“After years of drinking alcohol, on April 3rd, 2014 my addiction finally caught up with me,” states Scorpions drummer James Kottak. “During a 5-hour flight from Ekaterinburg, Russia to Bahrain via Dubai, during which I consumed 5 or 6 glasses of wine. While at the airport in Dubai I approached an airline representative to check on status of my flight. The representative informed me that I was in the wrong place and I replied ‘WTF?!.’ The representative then called the police and reported that I was intoxicated (which I was) and that I made a lewd jester.”

One of the police officers recognized me as drummer of ‘The Scorpions’. When the police asked me to show my ID., I showed them the ‘Rock & Roll Forever’ tattoo on my back, instead of my actual ID, which was in my back pack my friend was carrying for me. Apparently, the police did not find this funny and I was charged with ‘Drinking Without a License’, for which I pleaded guilty and received a one-month sentence and a 2,000 Dirham (300 USD) fine. I was also charged with insulting Islam/Muslims by making a lewd jester for which I pleaded not guilty and did not actually do.

Upon returning to the United States on May 6th, I immediately reached out to Bob Forrest, an addiction specialist known for his work with musicians and Celebrity Rehab. I have been meeting with Bob on a regular basis. He has guided me to the MusiCares Organization, which provides musicians with help for mental health and addiction issues.

I am determined to come to grips with my alcoholism and am doing everything on a daily basis to beat this relentless disease. This entire incident caused me to realize that it is time to stop drinking once and for all so that I can become the father, musician, and friend that I know I can be.

I am glad to put this unfortunate incident behind me and move onward and upward with my life. I would like to send out a HUGE thank-you to my family, friends and fans around the world for their incredible loving support… you kick ass! I would also like to send a sincere apology from the bottom of my heart to everyone I have affected and look forward to seeing you all!!

With love, James Kottak – Tomorrow is a brand new day!”

In May, the Scorpions released their own statement part of which said “Whatever happened is totally out of our control and we don’t know any details about it at this point. Please understand, we will keep you posted.”

additional source:

43 Responses

  1. For anyone who watched The Ex Wives of Rock on Fuse, this came as no surprise.

    While I know that shows can edit people to look a certain way for the camera, this was obvious not matter how it was filmed and/or edited for content. Kottak appeared to be a mess. Hopefully, if not for himself, but for his children, he will get the proper help.

    Dana from πŸ™‚

  2. Agreed, this was obvious to everyone but him. He’s taken the initial steps, but is far from out of the woods. I support anyone who’s trying to better themselves, and sincerely hope he beats this. Although under very different circumstances, Zakk Wylde is a great example of someone who quit the sauce, and is doing better than ever. There’s a million great drummers who would kill to be in the Scorpions, and I hope James realizes how blessed he is.

  3. A drunk rockstar at an airport says “WTF” and gets arrested and jailed for 30 days?! He didn’t punch a cop did he? He didn’t threaten anyone, did he? ATTENTION UNIVERSE – can we focus on jailing the REAL FUCKING criminals and just fine the bad boys of rock and roll? I think Bonzo and Moon are having a good laugh over this.

    1. Only problem is that Kottak did this in a country that still lives in the B.C. era! One misstep and you’ll get your head whacked off!

    2. No Mike M, he is a real criminal. A foul mouthed idiot at an airport holding up a line is a piece of shit and should be arrested. Children don’t need to be subjected to drunken bastards. Who are real criminals? That is the stupidest thing that I’ve ever heard. The guy is admitting a problem and this arrest may affect his future in a very positive way and you still want to defend his antics. You people make me sick and disgusted. I’m done, done, done with this site. I’ve tried to help you people and it is clear that you all are going to whatever you want. It is too bad. Guys are threatening me and calling me sick. I can hold my head up knowing that I’ve tried but this isn’t working out. No more Milkmoney to push around. This is my last ever post. KISS rules regardless of personnel.

    3. But MILKMONEY. I promise not to quote ALL HELL’S BREAKING LOOSE anymore. Check this out:
      That is a song by NY METS outfielder and country singer Garth Brooks called HARD LUCK WOMAN.

    4. Richman, you mean that it’s a song by KISS, right? (or is there some kinda irony I fail to see?)
      No matter what, a great song none the less πŸ™‚

    5. Garth covered it on KISS MY ASS which is an awful tribute album. Garth’s HLM is the highlight.

    6. Children dont need to be subjected to drunken bastards? I guess u wont be taking your kids to a pro sports game or a concert then?

    7. James is far from a wealthy “rock star”. He is a successful member of a big global band but not exactly Mick Jagger. I know him, good guy and love his playing in Scorps. Hope he gets it together.

    8. Bonzo and Moon’s deaths were both preventable so what is there to laugh about. Rock N’ Roll is about quality music, not partying and all these stupid books glamorizing drugs and alcohol are dead wrong. The bad boys of R N R roster: Vince Neil ( killed someone) , Paul Di’Anno (woman beater), Robin Crosby (overdose), who else: Axl Rose, Mike Starr,Bon Scott, Jimmy Hendrick, Gary Moore……..Give it up. You sound so stupid.

    9. Thank you Richman for injecting some common sense into this thread. Paying attention to symptoms is how you prevent unnecessary deaths in the first place.

    10. How does Gary Moore fit in here ? I know he’s deceaesed but, was is a drinking or drug related death? Is he guilty of crimes do to an addiction? I’m not trying to be sarcastic, I’m just wondering about the co-relation.

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