bonjoviband400 RadarOnline reports:

Although, Jon Bon Jovi has publicly said that guitarist Richie Sambora can return to the band at any time, behind the scenes it’s a different story, RadarOnline has learned.

Sambora, who was born and raised in Woodbridge, N.J., is eager to take the stage with the band Thursday night in East Rutherford, but that homecoming is not going to happen, and Jon is the one blocking it, a source tells Radar. Not only that, but he’s also blocking Sambora from rejoining the band on its Because We Can world tour.

“Jon won’t allow Richie to come back for that show,” the source said. “And Jon won’t even pick up the phone and talk to Sambora. Sambora has tried to end this feud but Jon won’t respond.”

Richie believes Jon has been trash talking him, the source said, and has asked him to stop.

“Every attempt he has made at rejoining the band has been blocked by Jon,” the source added.

Sambora left the tour in April after feuding with Bon Jovi over money and Richie’s objection to his belief that Jon was belittling him. One source says the guitar player and lead singer are fighting over money.

“It’s very apparent Jon wants to get rid of Richie,” the source says. “Jon is raking in the money. And what about the fans who want Richie back?” The source says Jon doesn’t care.

“Jon is and has been focused on accumulating as much money as possible to accomplish his lifelong goal of buying a NFL football team. Bon Jovi took a serious look at the NY Jets years ago as a partner but now wants his own team and money is the only thing stopping him.”

Meanwhile, without Richie the band had to cancel an appearance in Cleveland because of lackluster ticket sales. Other venues have not sold out and also suffered from lagging sales without Sambora.


23 Responses

  1. The lead singer is always the biggest personality in the band.
    I think your average rock concert attendee is clueless about who’s typically in a band except for the lead singer. A lot of people go to these concerts because they got some free tickets through some promotional deal or radio station or whatever. They are probably saying “I love BonJovi… what was that guitar players name again??”
    So what if Sambora drinks and parties.. that’s rock and I’m sure that is not an obstacle unless he is missing obligations.

  2. I think they can both come to an amicable agreement and makeup.Jon without Ritchie just has an ingenious feel to it..We all know that jon is the only one who actually signed the record deal. Yes we know ,but despise the thought that these bands we’ve grown up with and loved through the years don’t always get along,and money is usually a driving force!! (A little Eddie Trunk education)But if ticket sales are being affected,jon’s not going to get any closer to owning an nfl team, than why not maybe pay a little more money to sambora to get those good vibes on stage back,and get more buts in the seats at your concerts.I know one guy,not me,that pays $500 just to sit in the front row at shows,who says without ritchie in the band he won’t anymore..I’ve personally never seen them. Hung out in the parking lot in philly when they had cinderella on the bill,Oh the ladies walking around before the show,were soo fine!!

  3. Jon doesn’t need Sambora. He will sell tix and merchandise without him. He did a great show last night and they didn’t miss a beat with Phil X at guitar. Guitarists can be replaced. No biggie. The band is Jon and Jon alone.

  4. I look at this from Richie’s point of view. The last two or three albums Bon Jovi has put out has been heavy on country – pop hooks and very light on guitar riffs and very little soul to them. By many accounts, Richie is highly respected for his playing chops. They guy can rip with the best of them and he can outplay a lot of blues players too.
    Richie, as a player, is being pigeon holed into a NJ version of Rascal Flatts and he’s probably a little sick of the musical direction Jon has the band on. From my point of view, Jon is looking to make the band as pop friendly as possible and sell out as much as himself and his band as he can. Have you seen his FB Fan page? The guy is worse than Gene Simmons in that he fking sells everything – $25 coffee mugs, $50 bottle openers, $2500 signed posters, $100 laminated replica passes…shit dude, you sung about Tommy and Gina having to put his guitar in hock and here’s your ass nickel and diming the Tommy and Gina’s of the world for every cent they have.
    Jon sings about Blood on Blood but he’ll turn his back on you in a freaking second to make a buck.

    1. No – they have decided to get cremated and buried in a Bon Jovi coffee mug ….together.

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