Quiet Riot singer , James Durbin, has left band. He will be replaced with Jizzy Pearl.

According to Rock Talk With Mitch Lafon, Durbin left “to concentrate his time and efforts on his solo career.‬”

Quiet Riot said in a statement, “We wish James every great success for his future and are grateful for his time with Quiet Riot.‬ Welcome back Mr. Jizzy Pearl!”

The drummer went into further detail in the Facebook comments section below his original post announcing Durbin‘s exit from the group.

Frankie wrote, “[James] gave notice effectively quitting to follow his own path.” He added: “You can’t time when someone quits.”

Banali also confirmed that Durbin’s vocals on the band’s upcoming album, Hollywood Cowboys, will not be replaced by that of his successor, Jizzy Pearl.

The drummer wrote, “Here’s the reason I won’t re-record the vocals for Hollywood Cowboys…. It would mean that if manufacturing has already started for both vinyl and CD, I would have to pay to have those units destroyed. Then the added expense of booking studio time, engineer, to record Jizzy’s vocals. Then the expense of remixing and mastering all out of my pocket. Everyone thinks it’s really easy. It’s not and [it is] expensive. Not to mention redoing all the text in the artwork.”

Quiet Riot’s new album, Hollywood Cowboys, will be released on November 8th and posted their first single, Don’t Call it Love, which can be heard here.

9 Responses

  1. I guess everyone knows (or at least anyone who still cares) by now that Banali hasn’t been performing with the band for the last few months.

    But the really strange thing I noticed on the Banali-no show I attended was that they had no merch for sale.

    Some kid probably said the next day, “Mom and Dad saw QR third-billed on a classic rock festival, and I didn’t even get a lousy t-shirt.”

  2. Never a fan of Quiet riot, especially DuBrow’s vocals (may he rest in peace though), but they did have a hand in opening the doors for metal to go mainstream on MTV. I still can’t believe Randy Rhodes was in that band.

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