Queensryche frontman Todd La Torre was a recent guest on The MetalSucks Podcast. Portions of the conversation appear below (courtesy of blabbermouth.net)
Speaking about playing the drums on the band’s new album, The Verdict:
“I’m friends with [drummer] Scott [Rockenfield],I toured with him for five years. I did two records with him. I’m very familiar and very aware of some of the things that he does — a lot of the things that he does. So, I recorded the drums, and I decided to show more reservation than to overplay…I wanted to just write drum parts that make sense for the songs…and some of the cymbal work that Scott would do — the double china, the alternating between the ride and the hi-hat. Certain things that are just very unique to the sound of Queensryche on the drums. And some things I did that I know he would never play, but that was just me having a little fun with a few things…So I’m sure I’ll catch a lot of criticism for what I did, but I’ll also hopefully catch some promising positive words for what I did. And all I can say is I did double duty on the record, and no one can fault me for putting in the hard work and showing up.”
On whether Rockenfield will be back with Queensryche:
“[He] may not [ever] come back…I don’t know, ’cause I don’t talk to him.”
Speaking about the criticism that the band has gotten for only having two original members: guitarist Michael Wilton and bassist Eddie Jackson:
“Some people go, ‘Oh, they’re only down to two [original] members right now.’ Well, so what? We wish that Scott would have come back earlier. But Alice In Chains has two [original] members. Accept has one member. Judas Priest has two members…There’s a lot of bands still putting out really great music that are kicking ass. It’s not about one person. It’s not about me. It’s not about Michael or Scott or anybody else; it’s about the collective. I think that this record shows that the strength lies in all of us participating and pulling all of our creative elements to share with each other.
If people say, ‘Well, what is Queensryche gonna sound like without Scott?’ The Verdict is exactly what Queensryche sounds like without his participation at all. However, Scott is a great songwriter; he’s a cool guy; he’s a great drummer; he has a lot of great ideas. That being said, this record, in my opinion, is better than some records that had the entire original lineup in the band. This is a way better record — in my opinion — than [Operation:]Mindcrime II or Dedicated To Chaos that had outside writers. So, I think that there’s a little too much emphasis placed on having this all-original thing…”
Queensryche’s The Verdict will arrive on March 1st through Century Media Records. Listen to the song, Man The Machine, here and the track, Dark Reverie, here.

24 Responses
I agree with you regarding vile armpits and feet. People are totally disgusting. Also, the way people run off of planes claiming they all have to catch connecting flights. It’s awful. They hit people with their carry ons. No regard for children. I was referring to wearing a suit on a plane back when flying was an occasion. Me personally, I always wear long sleeves and socks. I’m guilty of shorts though but adult shorts. No cargo or baggy nonsense. Look for me at Newark airport next Saturday. I look like Ted Kennedy with a hooded sweatshirt, jeans and light colored sneakers. God speed.
You are too much-LOL!!!
D 🙂
We think alike Monet, I have just evolved to where I will never wear shorts in public again….lol…and guys, where’s the love for that awesome New Revenge band? They’re doing exactly what the great metal bands did…no freaking click track b.s., that is a live take for the backing track…and then they steal a hit song by way of taking a pop song and metalizing it…thus, beating the intelligentsia at their own game….that is a classic metal move they did, right out of the 80’s playbook…they’re actually not rehashing anything.
Sorry guys, if it’s over 75, I’m wearing shorts! Usually Dockers. 😉