Queensryche have released a lyric video for the song, Man The Machine. It is taken from the band’s forthcoming album, The Verdict due to arrive on March 1st through Century Media. listen below.

To read more about this forthcoming release, and to view tour dates, please go here.

For the past 18 months, drummer Scott Rockenfield has been taking time off from Queensryche’s touring activities to spend time with his young son, who was born in early 2017. Filling in for him is former Kamelot drummer Casey Grillo.

6 Responses

  1. I have loved both releases from Queensryche with Todd L. on vocals, and this one sounds like another winner. I thought he sounded the most like Geoff T. on the first record, and on the second record he started bringing in his own style a little more. I hope that trend continues on “The Verdict”. Queensryche started losing it’s way for me on “Q2K” in 1999, and it just got steadily worse up to “American Soldier” in 2009. I know that Chris Degarmo was a major driver of their songwriting, and his leaving left a big void that Geoff Tate took over. His leadership, in my opinion, took them away from their “classic” Queensryche sound that most fans wanted. The last two albums with Todd L. brought them back to the “classic” sound that I have loved since “The Warning” in 1984.

  2. No Tate, No DeGarmo and now they are hiding the fact that Rockingfield has been out of the band for 2 years. Give me a break. Who’s writing these songs? Pass.

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