peterCriss400 The New York Daily News reports:

Ex-KISS drummer Peter Criss is shouting it out loud: He’s doesn’t hate Jews.

Two days before the band is set to be inducted in the Hall of Fame, the 68-year-old musician vehemently denied allegations made in Paul Stanley’s tell-all memoir that he and original guitarist Ace Frehley were vocal anti-Semites.

Criss told TMZ that he supports all religions and that his favorite aunt was Jewish.

That’s a far cry from the portrait painted by Stanley — who like fellow founder Gene Simmons is Jewish — in his new book, Face the Music: A Life Exposed.

The feud is the latest blemish behind the face-painted facade of the band to be made public.

Relations are so strained between Stanley and Simmons and their former bandmates that the original lineup refuses to perform together at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center for Thursday’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame concert.

Read more at the New York Daily News.

source: nydailynews.com

44 Responses

  1. Paul Paul Paul, why so bitter man??
    Mad at Ace and Pete for 1 reason….throwing a roadblock in the way of the KISS gravy train by leaving. Twice! Because despite whether fans have enjoyed other lineups/albums from COTN forward and your belief that they are superior, truthfully they cannot and never will hold a candle to the original lineup and the albums they made.
    And as far as Gene goes…you’ve said repeatedly how you wanted to get in to acting…what ever happened with that? Gene has by no means done anything remotely Oscar-worthy but still manages to find acting work while your phone sits silent….that must really eat you up.
    I’m quite sure there are a million other reasons for your ongoing childish behavior, these are just the first to come to mind. Who knows? maybe I’m wrong…after all, just like you…this is just my opinion.

  2. LMAO, seriously Paul Stanley just can’t stop himself from bullshitting. ‘Oh Ace this & Peter that’…..yeah yeah Paul, we get it. You want US to believe what you & Gene have been preaching since…uhh…1983???? Oh I’m most positive some is true, Ace & Peter have admitted it in their books but your’s & Gene’s inconsistencies are really starting to catch up to both of you. You both have serious control issue, bad attitude issues, and a whole lot more. You’re not even respected by the very ones that put you where you are today. Your pathetic, disgusting human behavior has been well documented for decades….BUT STILL….you both try to continue to disgrace Ace Frehley & Peter Criss as human beings TOTALLY IGNORING THE FACTS that you are disgracing yourselves, the band, the bands legacy, everyone that busted their asses to get “KISS”..Ace,Paul,Gene,Peter to the biggest band of that decade. You both are spoiled brats. You have gotten your way EVERYTIME & now you LOST to get your way with the RRHoF….even your high powered attys can’t help you with the RRHoF so what do you do in return….cry, whine, throw your anger/hatred at Ace&Peter. And some of these meatheads on here are buying your bullshit…lmao. Joe in The Cuse. Hey Gene & Paul , “KISS MY ASS” you spoiled whining brats!!

  3. If Ace dressing up as a Nazi in the 70’s as a joke makes him an anti-Semite, then Mel Brooks is an anti semite. Give me a break. Mel always made fun of Jewish stereotypes, he even had a guy dressed as Hitler in Blazing Saddles, giving the seig heil salute! Mel Brooks is a Jew’s Jew, and he had fun with it. Big deal, Ace wore a Nazi uniform and acted like a fool. So what.

    1. Umm Joe, Mel was Jewish, so he is essentially making fun of himself.

      I will equate it this way, you can say whatever you want about your family, but God forbid any one else does. It’s a similar concept.

      Dana from EddieTrunk.com

  4. I find it horrible that Paul does everything he can to demean Ace and Peter, calling them alcoholics and drug addicts, and saying they can’t cut it anymore etc etc. Paul has become the bully that he once was a victim of himself. – Gene is no stranger to throwing dirt at former members either.

    I really like the fact that Peter and Ace comes off as class acts in this mess.

    To me it seems like Paul is on a vendetta, that does nothing but hurt KISS badly. And what I am most surprised at is that, that little garden gnome Doc McGhee doesn’t do anything to stop him, like any good manager would do. It’s kinda like, Paul is dead set on screwing KISS up completely and alienate many fans. I sure can’t recognize KISS anymore, especially Paul who once was a “class act” publicly anyways.

    I predict that this is the end, there’s not gonna be a KISS by the end of the year. No matter what, this is a sad ending that Paul is giving KISS – and US the FANS. (huge sigh).

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