billward300 Original Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward admits that he could not bring himself to listen to the band’s latest album, 13, and switched off the opening track after less than a minute.

He bowed out of the band’s reunion with Ozzy Osbourne ahead of recording sessions last year, stating that he had not been offered a “signable” contract. After considering a series of replacements, Sabbath recorded 13 with Rage Against The Machine drummer Brad Wilk. The resulting album went all the way to No.1 in the charts.

But Ward tells Rock Cellar, “The only thing I’ve heard from 13 is maybe forty seconds of the first song. Then I turned it off. I just said, ‘I can’t listen to this any more.’ I haven’t heard anything off that album, and to be quite honest I don’t care to either. It’s too painful. I wish them all the luck – well, they don’t need luck, but I wish them all the best in the world. But I can’t listen to it; it’s too close to home. If I want to rip my guts out I’ll put it on.”

He accepts there have been some positives from the drama, reflecting, “The fans have been brilliant. I feel like I’ve got a real close contact with them – I’ve never reached such a point of having such closeness with everybody. I’m getting letters from all over the world and they completely support me. I’m forever grateful that they’ve reacted in a really positive way. It’s been a huge endearing experience.”

Ward continues, “It tears me up. Even as I’m talking now I’m not far away from a tear.” But he insists: “I had to follow my heart under the most difficult circumstances.”

Ward revealed that he has a new album called Accountable Beasts in the works, as well as, his fine art project called Absence of Corners which was released on August 1st.

additional source: classicrockmagazine.com

24 Responses

  1. OK. This is getting weird now.TEARS HIM UP! TOO CLOSE TO HOME! He passed on a project. The end. Good luck. That BUCKCHERRY album up above is great. I just got it.

  2. the truth of the matter is that bill’s chops weren’t there to appear on the new recording. That’s the REAL reason he did not participate. This “contract” nonsense is made up “story” going to the media.

    1. “Is the end of the beginning?”

      Listening to 13 right now. Listening to 1 second doesn’t qualify you to give an opinion. No, it’s not great but better than any post Sabotage record. It sounds like early Sabbath which was their fertile period.

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