billward300 Original Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward admits that he could not bring himself to listen to the band’s latest album, 13, and switched off the opening track after less than a minute.

He bowed out of the band’s reunion with Ozzy Osbourne ahead of recording sessions last year, stating that he had not been offered a “signable” contract. After considering a series of replacements, Sabbath recorded 13 with Rage Against The Machine drummer Brad Wilk. The resulting album went all the way to No.1 in the charts.

But Ward tells Rock Cellar, “The only thing I’ve heard from 13 is maybe forty seconds of the first song. Then I turned it off. I just said, ‘I can’t listen to this any more.’ I haven’t heard anything off that album, and to be quite honest I don’t care to either. It’s too painful. I wish them all the luck – well, they don’t need luck, but I wish them all the best in the world. But I can’t listen to it; it’s too close to home. If I want to rip my guts out I’ll put it on.”

He accepts there have been some positives from the drama, reflecting, “The fans have been brilliant. I feel like I’ve got a real close contact with them – I’ve never reached such a point of having such closeness with everybody. I’m getting letters from all over the world and they completely support me. I’m forever grateful that they’ve reacted in a really positive way. It’s been a huge endearing experience.”

Ward continues, “It tears me up. Even as I’m talking now I’m not far away from a tear.” But he insists: “I had to follow my heart under the most difficult circumstances.”

Ward revealed that he has a new album called Accountable Beasts in the works, as well as, his fine art project called Absence of Corners which was released on August 1st.

additional source: classicrockmagazine.com

24 Responses

  1. Bill has done what 4-5 tours since 1980. He is one of the most mysterious rock stars out there. For such a talented,influential rock drummer his candle burned out at a young age. I just hope he comes back with vengeance with his new album.

  2. Bill Ward wanted to play the tour but didnt, because the record company wanted him to do the tour and pay him in peanuts! These elitists that control the music industry are notorious for underpaying the lesser known band members like Bill Ward in this case. There was negotiation and they were not willing to pay him what he wanted and IMHO what he deserved. I love B.S. but dont like the new album and shocked at how it debuted at #1. Hmmm I wonder if Ozzy and Sharon selling their souls to the record co. had anything to do with this being #1???? And I really would have admired the band if they would’ve backed their bandmate and supported Bill Ward! If it would be the original four members of Black Sabbath performing live and on the recording, I would’ve been all over it. Without him, its just not Black Sabbath without him. Instead I have already forgot about it BS.

  3. Bill Ward doesn’t get it. The drummer is the least important component of a rock band. By far! Does he really believe he is as critical as Ozzie or Tony? Somebody got smart and realized this. 13 is a good record. The fact that he says it isn’t is proof that he is just a bitter old man!

    1. Well, as much as I love Ozzy, it seems the only thing he contributed to Sabbath was his voice. Butler wrote all of the lyrics, and Ward, I believe, contributed to the songwriting.

      Again, I love Ozzy and do not mean to sound like I am slagging on him, but the truth is, he was, and is, a very lucky chap. He was always surrounded by talented musicians who did all of the heavy lifting for him, and as the frontman, he gets, and got, most of the glory.

  4. Yep. That is the way it goes. The front man usually gets the kudos. But Ozzy’s voice was the perfect counterpoint to the Sabbath sound. A tenor against low minor key music. Emotion against darkness. It was the the perfect blend.

    1. Speaking of front men, while Halford is my idol, and his voice is one of the best, if not the best, I tend to have way more respect for songwriters. Writing and composing a song, let alone a great song, is a very arduous feat.

    2. Think Pete a Townshend who wrote 90% of The Who’s songs. Daltrey wrote like one song and not by himself. But he is the frontman and looker.

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