GregPartoIron Maidenbookcover640 By the mid/late ’80s, Iron Maiden was unquestionably one of the biggest heavy metal bands on the planet – regularly headlining arenas/stadiums, each new album rocketing up the charts, and t-shirts sporting their ghastly mascot (Eddie) was one of the most popular fashion statements by metalheads. But by this point of their career, most of the band members were different than the ones that appeared on their classic 1980 self-titled debut album, while musically, they had transformed from a raw “punk metal” sound to a more refined “prog metal” approach.

Written by journalist/author Greg Prato, ‘Iron Maiden: ’80 ’81’ focuses solely on the early era of the band. Set up in an oral history format, interviews include Paul Di’Anno (Iron Maiden singer, 1978-1981), Dennis Stratton (Iron Maiden guitarist, 1979-1980), Wil Malone (‘Iron Maiden’ producer), Biff Byford (Saxon singer), Udo Dirkschneider (former Accept singer), Kim McAuliffe (Girlschool singer/guitarist), Brian Tatler (Diamond Head guitarist), Lips (Anvil singer/guitarist), Doro (Doro singer), Scott Ian (Anthrax guitarist), Charlie Benante (Anthrax drummer), David Ellefson (Megadeth bassist), Dave Lombardo (former Slayer drummer), Mike Portnoy (former Dream Theater drummer), Richard Christy (Death and Iced Earth drummer), Glenn Tipton (Judas Priest guitarist), Pete Way (former UFO bassist), and Eddie Trunk (That Metal Show co-host, radio DJ), among many others.

Available as a paperback version [$16.99], a Kindle download [$9.99], and a Nook download [$9.99], ‘Iron Maiden: ’80 ’81’ helps put it all into perspective.

Read an exclusive excerpt here.

Click on the highlighted links for ordering information:

Paperback and Kindle

4 Responses

  1. Definitely a book I will be buying. And I’m excited about something I bought just an hour or so ago: IRON MAIDEN TROOPER BEER! It was $11.87 for a 4-pack of pint cans (!). It has the classic Trooper illustration on the front of the can. Above Eddie is printed “PREMIUM BRITISH BEER”. Above that, is the iconic Iron Maiden logo. On the back of the can it has the story of “The Charge Of The Light Brigade” at the 1854 Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War and how it inspired the song “The Trooper”. Then it goes on to describe the background of the beer, how it was Bruce Dickinson’s idea to brew this Maiden beer. When I saw the display at the store, I freaked! I bought six 4-packs and my girlfriend said I was out of my mind to pay that much money for just 24 cans of beer. A couple of buddies of mine are stopping by my house tonight and we will be trying the Maiden brew out. I’m saving one unopened can to put on the shelf over my bar.

    1. Drinking with buddies is good bonding so long as nobody is driving but you should hold on to your TROOPER for other occasions. If you have 6 4 packs, you should have back-up beer such as MILLER or COORS light. First open 4 pack #1 and you of course get 2 or give 1 to the girlfriend because $70.00 on beer is kind of nuts. If is really good then show your buddies what a great guy you are and break out 4 pack # 2. Hide the other 4 4 packs from them free-loaders and then drink the cheaper stuff. Save the 4 for IRON MAIDEN special occasions such as Bruce’s continued health and new albums and anniversaries.

    2. It’s not bad beer. I’ve had brews that are a lot better but I’ve also had some that were a lot worse. My brother (that’s the freeloader I have to watch out for!) thought it tasted like an IPA but to me it doesn’t really. You can pick up on the hops and it does have a slight citrus, dry after taste but not quite like an IPA. It’s a good beer though but not worth the price it was. But I didn’t buy it thinking it would be the greatest beer ever. I bought it for the novelty and collectable aspect of it and to share it with my friends. I didn’t plan on breaking them all out at once either. When my friends and my brother all stopped by on their way home from work, we each drank one. My friend Chris hated it, but he drinks weak, light beers like Bud Light and Coors Light, so he’s not used to stronger tasting beers. The A.B.V. on the Maiden beer is actually kind of low, only 4.7%. In comparison, Budweiser is 5% and one of my favorite beers, called Lobotomy Bock, is 10.8% ABV. So the Maiden beer tastes stronger than it actually is. I put the rest up, mainly because I didn’t want my brother to see how many of them I actually have. With just 24, 16oz cans of beer, that fool would have plowed through them all if I didn’t stop him and then I’d have to drive his drunk, dumbass home. I do plan on breaking them out for more special occasions. I think every true Iron Maiden fan should buy this beer at least once just to try it. You don’t have to buy as many as I did of course and if you don’t like the taste you don’t have to buy it again. At the price they were at the store I found them at, it made them right at $3 a single can. But buying a 4-pack or even just single, if you find a store that sells it, is not that unreasonable. If anything, save an unopened can like I’m doing because it’s a very cool and collectable novelty item.

  2. There’s something about the Paul Di’Anno era of Maiden that I really like. I don’t think either line up is “better” than the other, and they’re both great. The Di’Anno songs have a grit and an edge that I really appreciate in this era of over polished music. His voice and those songs have an anger and attitude that’s amazing, and the songs are just great.

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