vinceneil400pix Page Six of the New York Post reports:

Motley Crue frontman Vince Neil is taking a fight over his Internet persona to state court in Las Vegas, with a lawsuit accusing a social media consultant of refusing to give him control of his Facebook and LinkedIn accounts.

The consultant, Kristy Sinsara of Bend, Oregon, said Thursday that she believes the lawsuit stems from a misunderstanding.

Sinsara said that in February she gave the singer’s manager the Facebook passwords and email contact information sought by the civil complaint.

“I don’t want to be saying bad things about my client,” Sinsara told The Associated Press. “I love and respect Vince. I have evidence that I sent them to his personal manager.”

Neil’s attorney, James Kohl, declined to comment beyond the civil lawsuit filed March 13 in Clark County District Court.

“Even though Sinsara agreed to relinquish control over the accounts on December 26th, 2014, and again on March 1st, 2015, she has and continues to maintain control,” the complaint said.

It accuses Sinsara of making unauthorized posts that Neil’s fans believe to be from him.

Sinsara’s lawyer, Isaac Warren of Choctaw, Oklahoma, said he hadn’t seen the complaint but also believed it was caused by a misunderstanding.

The lawsuit alleges breach of contract and unjust enrichment. It seeks unspecified damages greater than $20,000, and it asks for an injunction to force Sinsara to turn over access and administrative control of the accounts to Neil.

Motley Crue formed in the early 1980s and is as well known for bad behavior, hard partying and famous girlfriends as hits including “Girls, Girls, Girls” and “Dr. Feelgood.”

Neil, 54, also owns tattoo shops and bars in Las Vegas.


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